This Juice Drops Blood Pressure and Protects ArteriesResearchers have just discovered that 2 cups of a particular tasty juice daily will keep your arteries flexible, your blood pressure down, and improve your blood flow.

And that’s just a few of the many benefits derived from this powerful juice.

You can get this juice in most supermarkets or buy the fruit and juice it yourself.

A study presented at the Cranberry Health Research Conference in Wisconsin brought good news to both cardiovascular disease sufferers and cranberry juice lovers.

The team made their subjects drinks 450 mL of cranberry juice, which was made by mixing cranberry concentrate with water. The participants received different concentrations of the juice, which ranged from pure water to pure cranberry concentrate.

All the subjects that drank the cranberry juice at a concentration of 25% and higher showed improvement in blood flow and arterial stiffness, and those who drank the highest concentration of cranberry juice also displayed a significant decrease in systolic blood pressure.

This is good news, as many commercial cranberry juices are composed of 25 to 27% of cranberries. However, if you also want the blood pressure decrease, you will have to buy cranberries and juice them yourself.

The authors attributed the power of cranberries to their high antioxidant polyphenols.

But what’s even more powerful than juicing are these 3 easy exercises found here which can drop high blood pressure below 120/80 – starting today…