This Increases High Blood Pressure Risk 400 %A 400% rise in the risk of having high blood pressure is worse than smoking, having type 2 diabetes, genetic variation, or just about any other factor.

This risk factor discovered by researchers from Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine will completely change how high blood pressure is treated.

Because you can do something about this factor, and with that, cure your high blood pressure.

High blood pressure and insomnia have long been linked. But a new study puts a strange twist on this issue. It no longer seems that problems sleeping at night or sleep apnea are causing high blood pressure.

The study published in the journal Hypertension focused on the ability to fall asleep during the day.

In the study, 219 people suffering insomnia and 96 normal sleepers were taken in for a typical sleep test for a night.

The next day, each person was invited to relax in a dark room and take a nap every few hours. Strangely, many of those who had trouble sleeping during the night also had trouble relaxing and napping during the day, even if they were tired.

This is called Hyperarousal.

Hyperarousal is the inability to relax night and day, which often affects sleep. It also boosts stress hormone production and causes high blood pressure.

In fact, those who took the longest to fall asleep during the day were at a 400% increased risk of suffering hypertension than those who could easily nap during the day.

The researchers concluded that those with high blood pressure caused by hyperarousal needed a completely different blood pressure management approach than those with other causes of hypertension.

This study is just another bit of proof that high blood pressure is always caused by some type of stress. Be it physical (disease), emotional (loss of a loved one), mental (money worries) or sensory (loud TV), the stress accumulates and causes high blood pressure and other conditions.

The simplest, easiest, and most effective way to cure high blood pressure is, therefore, to remove the stress from your body. We do this by ‘rebooting’ your system using simple exercises called “Focused Break.”

Learn more about the easy, focused break blood pressure exercises here and try them out for yourself…

But sleeplessness is another thing that leads to a host of complications. The good news is that thousands of readers have used this simple method to fall asleep in 24 minutes or less…