Usually when you consider smelly, dangerous gas fumes, you would conclude that they are bad and being exposed to them would be unhealthy.
However, scientists at Penn State University have discovered that chemicals in a particularly bad gas might be beneficial in curing high blood pressure.
Scientists at Penn State’s kinesiology department wanted to see what would happen if a particularly nasty gas could be administered to a person’s physiology in a different way other than inhaling it.
What they did was a sort of mini-dialysis, where hydrogen sulphide (normally an awful, foul-smelling gas) was concentrated in a liquid solution and administered onto a dime-sized portion of the human test subject’s skin.
They saw that the blood vessels exposed to hydrogen sulphide in this way actually dilated, reducing the blood’s pressure on the vessel walls.
The study was done on young, healthy adults to see what would happen for people who don’t yet have blood pressure issues. Actual application of this emerging study on people with hypertension or other vascular issues is still a way off, though, so don’t plan to sign up to be a participant yet.
The actual solution to ending high blood pressure and getting healthy again is, however, already here. The easiest and most effective way to lower blood pressure is the use of three easy exercises.