8 Foods that Reverse ArthritisTwo Indian researchers have just published a study in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition that reviews hundreds of previous studies on food chemicals and foods that relieve arthritis.

It pinpoints 8 types of food that have been scientifically proven to drastically improve (even heal) arthritis.

According to them, the existing research backs the following foods for arthritis relief:

1. Whole grains like barley, canary seed, corn, fonio, millet, oats, rye, sorghum, whole wheat, and wild rice. These contain lots of fiber, antioxidants, phytic acid, vitamin E, and selenium, all of which have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties. They must be whole grains, however. Refined grains from which the bran and germ have been removed, leaving only the endosperm, have almost no nutritional value.

2. Vegetables of pretty much any form. The study does not list specific vegetables, but states that the research backs the effectiveness of a vegan diet for arthritis remission, especially if it is preceded by a one-week fasting diet during which you consume only vegetable broth, herbal teas, and vegetable juice. If this sounds too unpleasant, they do mention that vegan diets alone have a lot of research behind them, so dive straight in.

3. Fruit contains plenty of phytochemicals that can fight off inflammation and regulate your immune system, like Anthocyanins, Resveratrol, Mangiferin, Kaempferol, p-Coumaric, bromelain, and various other polyphenols. You can find large amounts of these in dried plums, black grapes, mangoes, grape fruit, oranges, apples, tomatoes, pineapple, and freshly home-squeezed orange juice without sugar.

4. Legumes for the fiber they contain, but especially soybeans. The latter contains a substance called Genistein, which regulates your immune system so inflammation cannot get out of control.

5. Spices, especially cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, and curcumin.

6. Tea, and especially green tea. The latter is abundant in a substance called Epigallocatechin-3, which has been found to be effective against everything from neurodegenerative diseases to arthritis.

7. Probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics are plentiful in any fermented or bacteria-enhanced foods like yoghurt, sauerkraut, kefir, buttermilk, soy sauce, tempeh, miso, and blue cheese, while you can find prebiotics in whole grains and legumes. These seem able to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation and thereby joint stiffness and pain.

8. Essential Fatty Acids like Omega-6 and Omega-3 oils. For a good omega-6 oil, the study suggests Borage seed oil which has successfully been tested on arthritis patients, probably because it is the best form of gamma-linolenic acid. Black currant seed oil contains both Gamma-linolenic acid and omega-3, and has also proved effective, while fish oil is the old stand-by for fighting oxidative stress and inflammation.

But for best results to completely reverse your arthritis, you should follow the clear 3-steps found here…