With the big surge of medical Marijuana, researchers are testing this substance on every condition under the sun.
And why not insomnia? After all Marijuana makes many people feel sleepy, relaxed and drowsy.
But will it actually help you sleep or does it simply mess up your ability to get a good night’s sleep?
In a recent edition of the Journal of Addictive Diseases, researchers divided their 98 subjects into three groups:
– daily marijuana users,
– non-daily marijuana users,
– and non-users.
38.8% of daily users had insomnia, compared to 10.3% of non-daily users, and 20% of non-users.
This indicates that Marijuana is rather more harmful than helpful when it comes to sleep.
But when they took into account their subject’s levels of depression and anxiety, they could no longer find an association between daily marijuana use and insomnia.
This suggests that the negative mood that marijuana brings about in some people plays a larger role in insomnia than the marijuana itself.
So, if you’re being prescribed medical Marijuana for pain or whatever other reason, pay attention to the mood effects it has on you.
If your mood doesn’t change (or improves) keep on, but if you begin experiencing depression or anxiety it’s better to find other medicine.
Here is a quick, easy way to fall asleep in 10 minutes or less…