An ancient method has been used to relieve dizziness and vertigo for more than 1,000 years, but at this stage, Western doctors almost never recommend it.
Taiwanese scientists published a study in the June 2015 edition of BMC Complimentary Alternative Medicine that proves that Western medicine should have a second look.
Best of all, that this method is cost effective widely available almost everywhere – and causes no side effects.
Researchers recruited 60 study participants between the ages of 20 and 89 in the form of patients who visited the emergency department of the Changhua Christian Hospital in Taiwan for vertigo or severe dizziness.
Study subjects had all visited an otolaryngologist and neurologist who confirmed that they suffered from dizziness, auditory vertigo, vertebrobasilar artery syndrome, and peripheral vestibular disorders like Meniere’s disease, benign paroxysmal peripheral vertigo, and vestibular neuritis.
They ruled out people diagnosed with central nervous system disorders and cerebrovascular disorders like strokes.
Researchers first gave subjects a quality-of-life questionnaire to assess their physical functioning, social functioning, activity limitations, energy, pain, mental health, and so on.
They were then divided into two groups, 37 who received acupuncture, and 23 who received a fake acupuncture treatment, consisting of seed-patches.
The acupuncture treatment consisted of needles inserted and stimulated in the PC6 and ST36 locations for 30 minutes. PC6 is on your inner arm, just above your wrist, while ST36 is located on your lower leg, just behind your inner shinbone (tibia).
They tracked improvement via a dizziness handicap questionnaire, a scale of dizziness and pain questionnaire, and a heart rate variability test.
Those who received the acupuncture treatment improved substantially, while the mock treatment group did not. There were no side effects in either group.
If you’re not interested in having needless stuck into your body, you may want to consider another, even more effective method to permanently cure vertigo and dizziness.