Insomnia is no fun.
So if you can do a fun exercise and it helps you fall asleep, then wouldn’t that be fun?
And we have the solution for you.
In March 2016, the journal Sleep Medicine printed an interesting study that shows a specific form of exercise helps insomniacs fall asleep quickly and sleep quietly through the night.
The scientists recruited 45 male participants between the ages of 30 and 65, of whom 93% had a body mass index of 25 or above.
All of them satisfied the American Psychological Association’s criteria for chronic insomnia. Chronic insomnia is the type that continues for more than three months.
Of those, 24 men had to do one to five aerobic exercise sessions per week of 30 to 60 minutes each.
The others just kept their lifestyle as it was normally.
All participants were asked to keep a sleep diary, and their sleep was objectively measured with a device called a piezoelectric bed sensor. This sensor is normally installed underneath a mattress and detects physical movement, heart rate, snoring, and so forth.
After six months, men in the exercising group fell asleep much quicker than those in the control group did.
As objectively measured by the piezoelectric sensor, men who exercised also seemed to wake for shorter periods throughout the night and were quieter throughout.
Now if you’re not willing to do six months of aerobic exercises before being able to fall asleep, I’ve even more good news.
Here is a little trick that helps almost everyone to fall asleep in 10-12 minutes…