The traditional medical system has no reliable solution for vertigo and dizziness. At best, they give you medications that make your condition worse.
But there are some simple foods, exercises and other lifestyle changes that can completely reverse chronic vertigo.
If you struggle with vertigo, try the following:
1. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, certain drugs may cause vertigo and dizziness. Benzodiazepines, taken for insomnia, and antihistamines, taken for allergies, are two of the main culprits. An article published in Academy of Family Physicians adds alcohol, aminoglycosides, anticonvulsants, anti-depressants, antihypertensive, barbiturates, cocaine, diuretics, quinine, and salicylates to this list.
If you take any of these, see if there is a natural way to deal with the medical problem for which you take it. For example, a doctor may be able to identify the source of your allergies with a skin test, after which you can undergo desensitization treatment.
2. That same Academy of Family Physicians article states that anxiety and anxiety attacks are often accompanied by vertigo, probably because anxious people often hyperventilate. Explore psychological interventions like mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy to cope with your anxiety. In addition, do several things every day that you enjoy and that relax you.
3. If you have ever suffered from sleep deprivation, you will know how dizzy you can feel during the following day. Go to bed and rise at the same time every night and morning to establish a sleep routine that your body would be comfortable to follow.
Refrain from eating, exercising, or working late at night. Remove electronic and noisy equipment from your bedroom.
4. Epley maneuver technique is aimed at dislodging particles from your ear canals that might stimulate vertigo. It needs to be performed by a physical therapist or a doctor. But it’s very effective.
5. If your vertigo is caused by Ménière’s disease, in which case it probably coincides with tetanus and some deafness, an article in the 2005 edition of Family Physician recommends a low salt and high diuretic diet.
6. Vestibular rehabilitation refers to exercises to improve inner ear disorders that can give rise to vertigo. You normally need to be evaluated by a doctor to receive a program is specially designed for your problem, but you can do it alone at home if you wish.
The principal is to practice the movements that cause the most dizziness. Identify two of them at a time, and practice them at least five times twice or three times a day. This will temporarily increase your dizziness, but you will adjust to them after a while.
7. British researchers published an article in a 2004 edition of the Journal of Neurology that proved that the same visual and movement exercises that are used to train pilots and astronauts to strengthen visual input to the brain can reduce vertigo by one half and its accompanying anxiety by a 3rd.
For a primitive home-based version, spin slowly on a rotating chair while trying to focus your eyes on the objects around you