How would you like to significantly improve, even heal, your ED and boost bedroom performance?
And do this by just adding a handful of one very common type of fruit to your daily diet.
Academics at Harvard University and the University of East Anglia have just discovered that men with a high flavonoid intake are less likely to suffer from ED than those who eat little of them.
Over 25,000 middle aged and elderly men completed food-frequency questionnaires in 2000, 2004, and again in 2008, and regular sexual function surveys throughout this period and thereafter. Of these, 35.6% reported some level of ED.
When the scientists compared the ED statistics with the flavonoid intake statistics, they found that the men who ate a lot of three specific flavonoids were 14% less likely to suffer ED. And it improved sexual function for almost everyone.
Flavonoids are basically the pigments that give fruits and vegetables their color.
The three flavonoids for which they found the greatest effect was flavones and flavanones, found in all citrus fruits, and anthocyanins, found in blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, cherries, red grapes and red wine, radishes and blackcurrants.
Just one portion of any of these flavonoids per day is enough. So, cherries or berries on your morning cereal or one glass of red wine in the evening can relieve you a very annoying problem.