As if arthritis pain and stiffness weren’t enough, the disease has also been proven to increase the risk of stroke and heart attack.
This is due to the increase in inflammation resulting from arthritis.
But a new study from Arthritis Research & Therapy shows that a simple, easy practice helps people with arthritis reduce pain and stiffness.
Perhaps even more importantly, it drastically improves heart health.
The best part is you can learn this practice in most gyms and it’s quite fun.
The study included 56 female patients over the age of 50.
The group was split into two groups; one group was assigned to do Tai Chi exercises. The control group did no special exercises.
The Tai Chi group attended a 60-minute group exercise session once a week for 3 months.
The control group did no exercise, but received lifestyle recommendations, including smoking cessation, weight loss advice, and the importance of regular exercise.
Tests were performed at the beginning of the study to check for early indicators of atherosclerosis, raised cholesterol, and heart disease.
After 3 months, the Tai Chi group had improved cardiorespiratory function, balance, strength, and flexibility, while the opposite was true in the control group.
Another study revealed that 80% of those practicing Tai Chi saw an improvement in joint tenderness and a reduction in swelling.
So if you suffer from any type of arthritis, I highly recommend Tia Chi.