You will be shocked how many common drugs bring about ED as one of their side effects.
If you’re taking any type of medications, and I mean ANY, make sure you read today’s article.
Because just asking your doctor to switch out your meds may completely heal your ED overnight.
Many physicians still prescribe 5a-reductase inhibitors like finasteride (most common brand name Propecia) to treat men’s benign prostatic hyperplasia and male baldness.
The latest study that questions the wisdom of doing so was published in the June 2015 edition of the journal Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation.
Four researchers from Boston and Bremerhaven compared the outcomes of 470 men treated with finasteride/Propecia with the outcomes of 230 men treated with tamsulosin. All the men had benign prostatic hyperplasia, they were all aged between 47 and 72, and they were all treated for 45 months.
The finasteride group struggled with ED while the tamsulosin group did not. The longer the treatment continued, the worse the ED became.
Worst of all, the finasteride group tested lower on testosterone levels, demonstrating that their testes worked less and less as their treatment continued.
This is not the first study of its kind. In fact, the American Food and Drug Administration as well as many European drug regulators require a warning on the Propecia label that it might cause ED. This should make you pause the next time a doctor wants to give you Propecia or any other brand of finasteride.
This is far from the only prescription drug that brings about ED. The medical community is in almost complete agreement that serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), a type of antidepressant, cause ED. These include drugs like Paxil and Zoloft. In fact, the debate has now shifted beyond that to the best treatment for SSRI-induced ED.
Two of the most common forms of high blood pressure medication tend to cause ED in some men. According to the MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia, thiazides (diuretics) and beta-blockers are the two types to watch out for.
According to the Hartford HealthCare Medical Group in Connecticut, allergy sufferers also have a problem, as many antihistamines like Benadryl and Dramamine tend to lead to ED.
If you suffer from heartburn, go slow on the H2 Blockers like Zantac and Pepcid. The American Association of Retired Persons, among many other organizations, recommends that you try natural remedies first.
Here is a simple home remedy that eliminates acid reflux in 5 minutes…
Unfortunately, taking a drug to counter the side effects caused by another drug sounds a bit like opening a second credit line to pay off the debt on your existing one.
Most erectile dysfunction medications come with long list of side effects on their own. Plus, they often create complications with the original medication that caused the erectile dysfunction in the first place.
Tamulosin certainly didn't harm my ED levels. It was like a substitute for viagra, although not as dramatic. The effect seemed to wear off after a time however and it's expensive too as it's not in the PBS sytem.
I do confirm your stance about ED as a directly proportional to the side effects of most of the prostate & heart care related medicine.