While it is not the kind of thing all men are prepared to be honest about in public, more than 50 percent of men over the age of 40 now struggle with erectile dysfunction (ED). It is becoming an epidemic that is making life particularly unpleasant for many couples.
If you think you’ve been hearing about ED a lot more than ever before, it may well be related to the fact that most people are eating too little of this type of food.
An article published in the August, 2015, edition of the Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction concluded that thousands of pesticides generously sprayed on our food cause ED.
This is not the first study of its kind. In 2002, physicians at hospitals in Argentina surveyed the lifestyles and eating habits of men who sought help for ED at their hospitals. They declared that all their patients had high levels of pesticides in their bodies, and that those with the highest pesticide levels also had the worst ED.
Another research team has discovered that they can change the physical sexual characteristics and behavior of rats completely by feeding common pesticide chemicals to their mothers. Therefore, it is wrong to think of ED as only a male problem. Women can affect their offspring’s choice of sexual partners and their libido by consuming pesticides.
By relying on many related studies, the authors of the new article pointed to several mechanisms through which pesticides cause ED:
1. Pesticides lower the amount of testosterone in your body. Testosterone is not only vital to get an erection, but also to experience sexual desire. Some pesticides lower it by 35 percent.
2. They decrease the amount of acetylcholine esterase, a substance that interacts with neurotransmitters in the brain to cause an erection.
3. They reduce the amount of nitric oxide, a substance that carries the neural communication that regulates an erection.
4. They cause oxidative damage to cells which, through several mechanisms, creates tension in the sinusoidal smooth muscle tissue that is meant to relax during an erection.
5. They are endocrine disrupters. These are substances that prevent hormones from carrying out the jobs they are supposed to do.
6. They change the physical characteristics of the penis itself by destroying the tunica albuginea. This is the tough fibrous envelope of connective tissue that surrounds the penal tissue that becomes erect.
By now we know more than enough. Through numerous different pathways, pesticides make it less likely that you can get and keep an erection.
The problem is extreme. Some analysts estimate that there are tens of thousands of different pesticidal chemicals that are used on our food. Some are sprayed on the food while it is still growing, and some are used to treat it while it is kept in storage.
A long-running American survey by the Environmental Working Group that periodically tests food has tested the most pesticides on apples, cherries, grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, red raspberries, strawberries, celery, cherry tomatoes, collard greens, cucumbers, hot peppers, imported snap peas, kale, potatoes, spinach, and sweet bell peppers. These fruits and vegetables have a low resistance to pests and are accordingly drowned in pesticides.
Many of these foods are healthy foods that health-conscious people eat specifically to ward off unnecessary ailments. It is cruel to find out that they are nowhere as healthy as we want to believe.
Luckily, there is a reasonably simple solution: buy organic fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Organic food is grown with no or almost no pesticides. It is fertilized by animal manure instead of chemical fertilizers. It is, therefore, generally cleaner.
But if you can’t go 100% organic, at least you can make up some of the hormones the pesticide rob you of by taking supplements. Here is the only supplement I recommend for men to boost their testosterone (and other positive hormone) level and strengthen erection…
If you already suffer erectile dysfunction, by far the most effective method to gain stamina again are these easy ED exercises found here…