Academics at the University of Toledo have been battling to develop a remedy for a type of ED that does not respond to traditional medication.
These drugs work for some men with ED, but there is a common health condition that causes a type of ED that does not respond to these drugs. The number of couples that hope for a new remedy is increasing every day as the condition that causes it becomes more widespread.
Men with diabetes have a terribly difficult task to get and keep their erection throughout sexual intercourse. In a 2002 Harvard study with 31,027 males between 53 and 90, those with type 1 and type 2 diabetes were found to have a much higher rate of erectile dysfunction than those without diabetes.
In the last ten years, many academic papers have been published to examine the link between diabetes and ED. Researchers found that diabetics lacked some proteins and other substances that were required for an erection, but they just could not explain why this was the case in diabetics and not in non-diabetics.
Today, the reason for this problem is better understood than ever because of new research at the University of Toledo.
To understand why type 2 diabetes causes ED, you must remember that diabetes is a condition in which your body develops resistance to the hormones insulin and leptin. Insulin is the hormone that removes glucose from the blood stream so that the rest of the body can use it as energy, while leptin’s main functions are to regulate the sensation of hunger and the storage of fat. If your body is resistant to both, as is the case in type 2 diabetics, it results in an excess of glucose in the bloodstream and the storage of fat that should either be burned as energy or excreted.
The connection between type 2 diabetes and ED is directly related to this resistance to insulin and leptin.
One of the chief mechanisms behind an erection works as follows:
1. Insulin and leptin stimulate proopio-melanocortin cells in the brain.
2. When stimulated, these proopio-melanocortin cells make a protein called melanocortin.
3. Melanocortins stimulate a nerve in the prostate that makes a healthy erection possible.
Accordingly, the ability to achieve and maintain an erection starts with the two hormones to which type 2 diabetics’ bodies are resistant. Their bodies are not properly responsive to insulin and leptin, and as a result, fail to produce the required proteins and nerve stimulation required for an erection.
This also explains why men with type 1 diabetes struggle with ED. Type 1 diabetics are not resistant to insulin. Instead, they completely lack insulin because their immune systems destroy the cells that release it. As they lack insulin altogether, the brain cells that set the erection pathway in motion cannot be stimulated, either.
At this stage the traditional medical system has no solution. The most obvious route would be to increase melanocortin proteins artificially by suppressing the enzymes that absorb the few available ones. Since this increases blood pressure and heart rate, however, it is not really an option. Replacing ED with cardiovascular disease solves nothing.
This is why it is so important to prevent type 2 diabetes through eating a healthy diet and adopting an exercise program. If not, it can ruin so much of the fun in relationships and in life more broadly.
As for type 1 diabetics, let us hope that scientists come up with a remedy soon, as this condition is not preventable.
The best way to completely eliminate erectile dysfunction is a set of very simple home exercises, found here…
But sometimes you may just need a few hormones. Here is the only natural herbal remedy I recommend to load you with testosterone and other hormones to boost stamina and eliminate erectile dysfunction…
Whilst addressing some of the underlying causes regaining hormonal balance is essential I agree.
But to relieve symptoms you need to create more nitric oxide ,(NO). Diabetics arteries are under attack and it is here where NO is created. Taking a combination of Arginine // Citroline will produce this NO as will green leafy veg etc. 6mg per day Anything less will have no effect
I am a diabetic and having problems with ED cause i am on 3 blood pressure meds and i want to know what can i do bout it