The difficulty with curing many diseases naturally (including high blood pressure), is that they’re partly genetic. And we’ve been told that when it comes to genes, there is nothing we can do.
But a new study from Massachusetts General Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center reveals a simple method that alters the genes that cause high blood pressure.
Therefore, naturally curing genetically caused high blood pressure!
This simple method not only solves the high blood pressure problem, it also improves or cures genetic type 2 diabetes, arthritis, and many other genetic diseases- and maybe even Alzheimer’s.
The best part is, it doesn’t cost a cent and you can begin using it immediately after reading today’s article.
Usually, when talking about genetically caused diseases, it’s not just one gene that directly causes one disease. Instead, it’s a gene paths that cause increases in inflammation, stress hormone production, suppression of the immune system, and other health issues. For simplification, let’s call these “negative genes.”
In return, there are other gene paths that cause an increase in relaxation hormones, a stronger immune system, lower blood sugar levels, boosts in growth hormones, and other positive effects on your health. Let’s call these “positive genes.”
For this study, researchers wanted to know if meditation, relaxation techniques, and other mind/body exercises could boost the “positive genes” activity and suppress the “negative genes.”
Twenty-six individuals who had never practiced any kind of mind/body exercises were recruited for this purpose. For eight weeks, they got a weekly private session from a master meditation teacher. This is called short-time meditation training.
Blood samples to analyze their gene structure were taken before and after receiving the short-time training.
Then, another group of 26 individuals were recruited. These people had practiced various mind/body methods for years, sometimes decades. This included meditation, yoga, daily prayers and other methods.
The results were thrilling…
After only eight weeks, the participant’s “positive gene” activity had been significantly boosted, at the same time as the “negative gene” activity was suppressed.
And it doesn’t stop here. The researchers also studied the blood of long-term practitioners. And they again had significantly more “positive gene” activity than the short-term practitioners.
Now, what does this mean for you and your high blood pressure?
You see, for decades, I’ve been teaching simple, easy mind/body exercises developed to focus specifically on lowering high blood pressure.
These exercises are an extremely easy to learn and use, and take as little as 9 minutes per day.
The main criticism I’ve received from people not willing to try the blood pressure exercises is that they may work to reduce stress, but not if high blood pressure is caused by other factors (such as genetic factors).
This is simply not true!
I’ve witnessed thousands of people curing their high blood pressure. Some were stressed but most of them had little or no obvious stress. Oftentimes high blood pressure ran in their family. Other times they were overweight, out of shape, or had other lifestyle factors that contributed to their blood pressure problems.
The bottom line is that 3 simple blood pressure exercises lowered their blood pressure.
And now we know why. Not only do these easy blood pressure exercises work on lowering stress, they also directly work on boosting “positive genes” as well as suppressing “negative genes.”
That’s also the reason readers tell me that various other diseases were improved or cured after using my blood pressure exercises. This include chronic pain (including arthritis), insomnia, type 2 diabetes, plaque buildup in arteries, memory loss, and many other health issues.
I have had extremely high B/P for many years and been on strong meds that barely controlled it for years. I began these exercises in April and about a month later my B/P had dropped so low that I began going off meds. I am now completely off. I am more shocked than anyone. This was not placebo effect since I had HOPED for some reduction in B/P but was dubious for even that. I never expected this. I can fully vouch for these exercises. They work. I have no idea how.
I have severe arthritis it started at 20 yes of age. I am not 50 yet but close. It is severe now especially in my knees. I have not been able to get the adequate treatment I so desperately need. DOCTORS are so set on using drugs which causes serious damage to other organs. Help I am a victim in this medical injustice.
Thank you Holly for sharing your fantastic results!
– Christian G