Waking up with that horrible, sour taste in your mouth and your chest burning with acid reflux, your first impulse is probably to jump for the medicine cabinet.
And what’s the damage? After all, these pills are sold over the counter, nothing but simple calcium or other ingredients that cause no side effects. Right?
Think again, because new research has shown that the side effects of these “innocent” acid reflux pills can be lethal.
Acid reflux is a frustrating condition; and, if left untreated, can ultimately lead to several serious diseases such as esophageal cancer.
Americans spend tens of millions of dollars treating the symptoms with prescription medications called proton pump inhibitors, or PPIs, to quell the discomfort.
Most experts agree that for the vast majority of sufferers, diet is the key culprit. They go on to also agree that changing the way one eats, as well as how much during each meal, can go a long way to naturally end it without having to resort to medication.
However, many people figure that diet changes might be too hard and that a pill is easier- so what’s the harm?
As it turns out, PPI drugs, which work by shutting down some of the pumps in the stomach that produce acid needed for digestion, also interfere with a host of other systems in the body.
For one, doctors are noticing a dramatic uptick in bone fractures and osteoarthritis among regular users of PPI medicines.
The problem is that PPIs are known to interfere with more than acid production. They also interfere with the body’s ability to absorb protein and calcium, both of which are needed for healthy bones and joints.
This is of particular importance to people who are already at risk, such as those going through menopause or taking medicines that also interfere with calcium absorption like calcium channel blockers, used for high blood pressure.
It has also been seen that PPIs interfere with magnesium absorption, which can cause bleeding problems and increase a person’s risk of developing other bowel-related issues.
Further, PPIs have been shown to affect blood vessel health by narrowing the arteries, spiking blood pressure.
For the little amount of temporary relief, many natural health practitioners caution that it just isn’t worth the extra problems the side effects of these drugs bring to the party.
Their advice, instead, is to have an honest look at diet and lifestyle and see if making even just a few, simple changes can turn around the reflux naturally.
Not sure where to start with eliminating your acid reflux, and don’t want to head to the medicine cabinet every day?
Read this guide and keep your health
yourarticle is really worth the time to read than you
These articles are educative and beneficial. they are a must for humanity!
I had ever worsening acid reflux for about a 15 year. I was taking more and more medications. One day someone suggested he was one of the ministers of my church who gave me a lecture on eating organic fruits and vegetables. He made a believer out of me. I took his advice. It’s important that I state now that he had absolutely no ideal what I was suffering from. I just thought everybody had suffered from it no big deal. After about 3 or 4 months of tof eating organic fruits and vegetables I began to notice that I did not need to take medication. It has now been proximately 4 years since that happened and I no longer take over the counter medication for acid reflux. At least on a regular basis once in a very very blue moon I may need to take a pill.
I have to say I really appreciate this article. It is good to know that I avoided some really long term health issues. I have to say approximately 5 years after I stopped having acid reflux problems, I got hit while walking across the street by an SUV van. I think now that if I had been taking the antacid medications I would have had many many more bones broken and in my body.
OMG I can’t believe what I have been able to avoid. I also now drink green smoothies which is fortified with lots of calcium etc. Bear in mind that animals such as I left hands buffaloes Triple X cetera eat primarily green throughout the day. My green smoothies I include a bit of fruit I don’t make it very sweet just a bit of fruit water and then I then I put the stuff into a Vitamix.
as a result of drinking a smoothie every morning…I have been able to avoid getting close and colds in addition I have more energy than what I used to have. I have read that when you blend your vegetables and fruits like this the nutrients get to the cell level within 20 minutes. I can’t stress this enough Organic organic organic.
Thank you once again for putting together this article. We the people need to be more informed about what we can do to better ourselves health wise.
sorry for the typos this is being done on my cell phone and it’s hard to edit. Above when I spoke of buffaloes I also included elephants and other large animals who eat primarily greens throughout Their day and have extremely strong bone structures