It boosts your melatonin sleep hormone, relaxes you completely, puts you in a sleeping mood and knocks you out for 8 hours.
All entirely naturally, without pills or supplements. Anyone can do it, and it’s completely free.
And now, this simple method has been proven to cure insomnia in several clinical studies. Several recent studies have proven mind/body exercises useful to improve drastically, and even cure, chronic insomnia.
And it’s not just the mental and emotional effects of the practices; it’s physical as well. Researchers at La Trobe University found that melatonin, a hormone that makes you sleep better, rose immediately after doing TM-mediation.
In another study, 54 individuals suffering chronic insomnia were either taught to do daily meditation or self-monitor their insomnia. Researchers reported the quality of sleep for six months using both questionnaires and wrist sleep monitors.
Results: the meditation group slept longer, deeper, and fell asleep easier than the control group.
There is, however, a significant problem with meditation. You see, it’s not always so easy to do. It takes extreme focus and strength doing it well. Especially if you’re tired from not sleeping.
Plus, traditional mind/body exercises are not designed specifically for insomnia. So even if they’ve, fortunately, been found helpful, they’ll not completely cure insomnia.
Throughout the years, I’ve helped hundreds of people suffering insomnia. We use specific mind/body exercises, tested for the single purpose of helping you fall asleep and stay in a deep sleep throughout the night.
The best part is that they take no effort. Why? Because you just follow along with the audio as I lead you through the exercise. Guiding specific eye movements and breathing, you’ll quickly train your mind to fall asleep.
In fact, most people fall asleep before the 24-minute audio is over.
To learn how to get the best sleep in your life in 24 minutes, and try it out yourself, click here…
Very interesting actually that meditation – something that increases alertness while also relaxing – also boosts melatonin (sleep hormone).
good addition to knowledge