The traditional medical system has no cure for fibromyalgia. At best it will load patients with pain and anti-inflammatory medications.
But according to a new mega analyst from Brazil, there is nontraditional treatment for fibromyalgia that stands above everything else.
Not only did patients get a drastic reduction in pain, better sleep and other overall improvements in living, they also had fewer relapses and less dependency on medications.
In this research, the Brazilians analyzed data from 11 studies on the effects of acupuncture on fibromyalgia.
They found that acupuncture can significantly improve the overall standard of living for those suffering this mysterious disease.
One of the interesting findings was that the traditional Chinese medical approach could diagnose different sources of the fibromyalgia. Whereas, the traditional Western medical system looks at all patients as the same.
Therefore, the acupuncturist could focus on the area he or she believed to be the source of the disease and deal with the underlying cause.
Unfortunately, traditional Western medicine has been at a standstill regarding fibromyalgia (hardly even recognizing it), even though more naturally-focused doctors have been making breakthrough discoveries.
Recently, we’ve learned that lacking one single ingredient is the primary underlying cause of all fibromyalgia cases. Learn more about this ingredient and how to boost your body with it, here…
good addition to knowledge
interesting and informative
interesting and informative