It’s a New Year and time to focus on eating healthy after feasting over the holidays.
There are actually more types of healthy foods than unhealthy. But some health foods are healthier than others. We call them super-foods.
Repeated studies have proven that including these super-foods in the daily diet lead to a longer, healthier life. And, they cure dangerous diseases such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, arthritis and even various cancers and dementia.
Here are five of the most powerful super-foods we know. Make sure you consume these at least a few times per week:
Tomatoes – although tomatoes contain loads of healthy ingredients such as vitamin C, fiber, and potassium, what lands them on the super-food list is the high content of lycopene. It’s a component not found in high doses in many other food sources. Lycopene is a unique antioxidant in the way it fights oxidization and inflammation, which are two major causes of most modern diseases. It may even prevent or cure prostate and breast cancer.
Blueberries – again, in addition to almost every vitamin under the sun (especially vitamin C and K), blueberries are said to have more types of antioxidants than any other food. Consuming 100 grams of these power-berries has been proved to lower blood pressure, clean arteries, and improve inflammation diseases such as arthritis and type 2 diabetes. One of the most powerful benefits from blueberries comes, however, from improved cognitive function. They are even claimed to reverse Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia.
Kale – much cheaper than blueberries, kale is also loaded with the antioxidant phytonutrient. The specific phytonutrient in kale makes the liver produce a particular type of enzyme that eliminates many substances that cause cancer and other diseases.
Black beans – are nutritional powerhouses that provide high contents of protein and iron without the health-damaging effects of meat. In addition, they’re also loaded with many antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Salmon – has so many health benefits that it’s tough to pick out one ingredient over another. A high content of omega-3 vs. omega-6 is, however, most often considered the number one benefit of this super-food. This fat has been proven to boost cardiovascular health (prevent stroke and heart attack) as well as fighting inflammation diseases such as arthritis and type 2 diabetes. Several world studies have shown that people in areas where fish consumption is high live longer.
I’m sure we’re missing many super-foods you like. In fact, almost all fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as lentils and many types of fish should be included in this list. At the same time, strike out all processed foods.
But gaining optimal health can’t be done by just randomly adding healthy ingredients. You must use a solid strategy.
Click the links below to choose a strategy for the condition you want to beat in 2015:
Happy new year!!!! I didn’t know about black beans, how healthy they are. But I would add avocados definitely to this list.
A great idea to boost your health is to make a list of superfoods you like (starting with this list) and then make sure that every day you include at least one item in your meals.
Happy New Year! That’s a great list, and a great idea Carl, one each day. And, I agree Jenny…avocados. Thanks Christian for all the health tips throughout the year.
Happy New Year – a good list to know!
Happy new year with additions
Has improved my Cholesterol level – best it has been in years!