Winning the fight against arthritis. That would be a good thing.
Now, to do that, you’re going to want to manage a part of your health that we’re guessing you had no idea was tied to arthritis.
But knowing about it is pretty critical to ridding yourself of arthritis.
Obesity and progression of RA seems to go hand in hand. Obese patients seem to have higher level of disease activity compared to those with normal weight according to the study. Consequently, they also need more aggressive treatment to control the disease symptoms compared to other non-obese patients.
For the study, researchers collected data on 3534 patients from the Meteor Foundation International RA database. Of these, 1553 showed early RA, which refers to the disease that has developed within 12 months and the remaining 1981 had established RA.
The patients were then classified based on their body mass index. They were divided into 5 categories – underweight, normal, overweight, obese I and obese II. The analysis of the data revealed that both underweight and obese II patients were twice as likely as normal weight patients to have higher levels of disability.
Obese I patients were 1.5 times as likely as normal weight patients to develop functional incapability. These observations held true for both early an established RA.
Higher levels of inflammation and health impairment were the factors that were assessed for progression in disease activity. For instance, the researchers have suggested that adipokines, chemical components in fat cells of obese patients, can trigger systemic inflammation and also cause joint destruction.
Losing weight is probably one of the most important steps for obese patients to control the symptoms of RA.
Managing your weight is so important. Just look at us today and compare that to 30 years ago. Fatsos were the exceptions. Nowadays we’re the norm. And 30 years ago most of these “modern diseases” were the exceptions… how about now?
This is so true. When I add a few pounds, I always feel my back and hips more. If I get the pounds off, the pain is less.
Well, that is pretty logical to me. Extra weight puts pressure on our joins and causes even more inflammation.
Being obese and overweight goes hand in hand with most of the diseases. I ain’t surprised at all with the results of a study..
I think the worse “disease” of the modern world is obesity. It literally causes so many serious health
conditions. And the sad thing is that people bring it to themselves , by eating all the wrong foods and not being active enough.
I am not saying it is easy to lose weight, but if you really want to be healthy ( and look better) there are many ways to maintain a healthy weight.