Even a slight mistake in blood pressure measurements during a doctor’s visit can result in being put on medications and having to cope with the side effects for decades.
And doctors make mistake all the time. That’s a sad fact.
Therefore, it’s extremely important that you recognize if your doctor or nurse are not doing your blood pressure reading the right way.
Here are some common issues that can record false blood pressure readings. Next time you visit the clinic, you will have a better idea of what will help you obtain accurate readings.
A cuff of incorrect size – The cuff tied around your arm while measuring blood pressure needs to be of the right size. An oversized cuff might result in low readings while a small cuff can record high blood pressure readings. Your doctor should carry three sizes of cuffs to suit the arm sizes of different patients. The right cuff length is roughly two-thirds the distance between your elbow and shoulder.
Position of the body – Accurate blood pressure readings are recorded when your arm is placed at mid-heart level after the cuff is tied. The most accurate readings are recorded when seated in upright position. Your readings can vary when you’re lying on the side. Also, if you keep your legs crossed, your blood pressure value can increase by 2 to 8 mm/Hg. Finally, you should have your blood pressure measured on both the left and right arms.
Cuff location – The place where the cuff is tied to also has an impact on the blood pressure reading. For instance, readings are normally recorded on the upper arm close to the elbow. Readings recorded around wrist, finger, feet or calves vary from the upper arm readings.
Pumping up cuff – It is necessary to accurately pump the cuff to maximum level by finding the peak inflation. Pumping the cuff too high or not pumping it high enough can both result in high blood pressure readings. If your doctor makes a mistake while measuring, he/she needs to completely deflate the cuffs and give you around 30 seconds rest before inflating them again.
Rushing things – The definition of high blood pressure is any reading over 120/80 recorded after a person has been sitting quietly for three minutes. If you’ve been moving around right before your doctor takes your blood pressure or if you’ve been talking about anything intense or worrisome, your doctor should give you a few minutes to relax before measuring your blood pressure.
Finally, I highly recommend you get a good home blood pressure monitor. Only by measuring your blood pressure 3-4 times a day for a period of a week will you have clear idea about your blood pressure.