A temper outburst can sure have a bad effect on a relationship, but it doesn’t stop there.
Even worse losing your temper can invite two dangerous conditions, stroke and heart attack! This was discovered by researchers from Harvard Medical School and published in the European Heart Journal.
The team of researchers used pooled data from different studies conducted in different countries to arrive at an important analysis.
An angry outburst can increase the risk of developing a heart attack in the next two hours between 2.4 – 7.3 times higher than usual. The risk of developing stroke increased between 1.7 – 7.6 times.
That’s not all – the risk increased considerably the more often a person got angry. People who already have heart problems or diabetes are also considered to be at higher risk of developing a stroke or heart attack.
There are established links between long term stress and heart attacks, but no well-defined data has correlated short outbursts of anger with heart attacks. While the study did not concentrate on intensity of anger and dangers of developing stroke or heart attack, it is a well-known fact that anger causes blood pressure to rise, disturbs blood flow, results in the formation of blood clots and ultimately leads to serious complications.
Another interesting research published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health shows the connection between a high pressure deadline and developing heart attack.
The study was conducted in Sweden and involved about 1381 participants. The study points out that a stressful high-pressure deadline increases the risk of developing heart attack within the next 24 hours by six fold!
This is just one more proof that stress is one of the main causes of high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack. The stress can be mental, emotional, sensual or physical but as it cumulates, it unavoidably causes these conditions.