Although people suffering from high blood pressure are getting younger and younger, most of us have passed the middle age range. So we might not be making a connection to 40, 50, 70 or 90 years back.
But could it be possible be that the toys we played with and the toys our children and grandchildren are playing with bear much of the blame for our blood pressure so many years down the road?
Shocking research from the Medical Center at New York University, Penn State University School of Medicine and the University of Washington indicates a resounding “yes.”
The study, published in the Journal of Pediatrics, was conducted involving 3,000 children.
Researchers wanted to find out how toxins from the surroundings affect high blood pressure development in the early life stages.
The data gathered through urine samples showed a significant link between phthalates or DEHP (the most common ingredient in plastic items) and increased systolic blood pressure.
Researchers reveal that extended contact with DEHP or di-2-ethyhexylphthalate chemicals restrain the function of cardiac muscle resulting in oxidative stress of the arteries.
The impaired function of arteries results in elevated blood pressure levels.
Phthalates found in plastic are not just affecting our vascular health; they can also impair our immune system defense as well as cause other serious health conditions.
These harmful chemicals affecting our health are odorless and colorless ingredients found in floor covering, plastic casings, disposable cups and utensils, inflatable toys and many other plastic items.
There was no plastic 70 years ago.That is a fact,and there was a depression,only rich kids had toys which were made of wood ,metals,or other natural substances.
Plastic could have been one cause and still is. My children did not play with plastic toys, they played with pot lids and whatever I used in he kitchen, they played with and they both have high BP. Now if you don't restrict high BP to plastics, then I will agree. Everything we do causes some sort of illness, so what the heck, if we want to live we'll keep on a keeping on. This world is not suitable for anything or anyone unless you want to be a child of Satan, then you have "the whole world in your hands." Jehovah never intended it to be this way He made it good and beautiful. Then His very own son (Satan) decided to try and make it His. He is trying hard with plastics and everything else at His finger tips to bring the earth to damnation. He will not succeed . Jehovah will take what is rightfully His.
I love your services.
We keep reading how AWFUL and DANGEROUS our environment has become & how dangerous all Prescription Drugs are….
You really start wondering….how come Life Expectancy in the USA in 1905 was 35 years and today it is 79 years.
I guess the explanation is easy…it must be our bad Environment & our Bad Drugs!!!
Well Peter, it’s in fact a tad more complex than that.
New (at the beginning of the 20th century) medicines from pharma companies (aka allopathics) had a tremendous *curative* effect that was celebrated in a first phase; but people back at the time lacked the perspective to evaluate the nasty side effects – a perspective we now have. And it turns out that in some cases, the side effects are worse than the original condition the medicines were supposed to cure – people are left with one condition less but many conditions more as a result, which can hardly be deemed “satisfactory”.
On top of this, pharma companies are, well, companies – which means *sales* and *profits* companies. The first inventors sure enough did business with their inventions and discoveries, but we can suppose they were sincere idealists at the start and just thought they were earning “the fair salary for their hard and useful work”. But their success proved the existence of a *market* for this type of *product* – and boy is it a *huge* one: potentially the 7-odd billion people that consitute humankind, who are all going to suffer from one condition or another at one point in time or another in the course of their lives. This means that this huge market is not going to go away. Then with this in mind, put yourself in the shoes of a basically *sales*, thus *profit-oriented* company… their ears are going to tingle with so many perspectives to build downright *fortunes*! At this point, the focus is no longer on human health, but on money and profits to be made. Greed comes in… and welcome “official mainstream charlatanism” in white coats!…
Moreover, a lot of the “natural health” concept is not just about *curative*, but mainly about *preventive* medicine and how the right lifestyle and nutrition can prevent most, if not all, conditions. But of course if the necessities of daily survival trap us into a lifestyle that is basically unhealthy, it is hard for us to question it – we know it has to be questioned but sometimes we just cannot afford to do without it… that’s the dilemma of most people in our day, age and culture!