The crippling effects of high blood pressure to our physical health are well known and widely studied.
But did you know that raised blood pressure can affect our emotional responses as well?
How is that possible? The answer to this question lies in a study conducted by US researchers from Clemson University.
The research involved 65 study participants.
At the beginning of the study their blood pressure was measured and then they were showen a set of different images.
Half of the images were intended to provoke a positive response. The other were was meant to trigger a negative reaction.
Researchers instructed study contributors to evaluate their emotional responses to the images in several steps from calm to excited and from happy to unhappy.
After analyzing the results, study investigators noticed that the higher blood pressure participants had, the less emotional response they had to the pictures.
Study researchers conclude that the dull emotional responses to the photos from participants with high blood pressure could be explained by the fact that individuals suffering high blood pressure tend to stay longer in stressful situations.
It’s been known that high blood pressure can reduce pain sensitivity. The results of this study prove that our bodies have an ability to not only diminish physical pain but also to numb the emotional responses of high blood pressure sufferers.
This is yet another piece of evidence that the #1 solution to lower blood pressure should be to eliminate stress hormones in the body. Stress can be physical, emotional, mental or sensory, but the same method helps to eliminate all types of stress-causing high blood pressure by applying what I call a “Focused Break.”
Have you any research on sleep apnoea?