Researchers from Hopkins University have finally discovered the reason why black people have significantly higher blood pressure compared to other races in US.
This reason does not involve physical condition, social status or living standards. It is, however, a very important finding that has a compelling impact on our health, no matter what race we are.
According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, the disturbing numbers show that black people have the highest blood pressure in the nation: 45.7 % of black women and 43 % of black men have elevated blood pressure in US, compared to white women at 31.3% and white men at 33.9 %.
The research surveys coordinated by urban health clinics in Baltimore were examined to explain this significant difference in blood pressure of the two races.
The study surveys were conducted in a period of two years, involving 266 participants.
For this unusual study, researchers used a Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System to find out how often study participants were thinking about race.
Their answers were divided into two groups: 1) “Often”- the ones who think about it often and 2) “Seldom”- the ones who seldom think about it.
The results shocked researchers as black study participants who often thought about the race had a 5-point increase in their diastolic BP number and a 4-point increase in systolic measurement, compared to the ones that seldom thought about race.
Race-conscious white participants were not affected by an increase in blood pressure.
The conclusions are obvious: there is a clear link between racial consciousness and high blood pressure in African American people, caused by a great amount of stress associated with it.
Racial discrimination is a very sensitive subject, contributing a lot of emotional pain and suffering. Once again, we see clear scientific evidence of how stress and anxiety are responsible for high blood pressure.
And no matter what race we belong to, stress affects us in the exact same way, raising blood pressure and crippling our health.
Our simple high blood pressure exercises are specifically designed to reverse stress that causes high blood pressure. It doesn’t matter if the stress is physical, emotional, mental or sensory, the exercises help.
To Robin Monfort,
Your comment is extremely offensive and rude. The article simply refers to the scientific study conducted to find out a very well known fact that black people have higher blood pressure.
The results showed that black people who are race conscious have higher blood pressure. That is the fact and it is up to us how we want to accept it. …
No one is blaming nobody. The study showed the reality that black people do have a lot of race related stress.
I am from a very “white” country that never experienced any racism. I thought these issues are far behind in the 21 century, but from your comment I see that it is not true. It is just sad.
I wish you tolerance and respect, cause obviously you lack it.
There’s absolutely NOTHING scientific about this study. It didn’t factor in exercise habits, diet, and other healthy-living habits, which are known causes of hypertension. Racism? Perceived racism? Thinking about racism? The study was put together by scientific morons. Let me guess…the folks at Johns-Hopkins have a huge financial deal going with Obamacare…
That’s UNhealthy habits. Sorry for the typo.
Western culture certainly didn't help you! And it so happens the first books and library were in West Africa. I'm white and am neither proud nor embarrassed about it. I do feel that folks like you only make things difficult in the world. Wouldn't it make more sense to be a little less anal and find something to be positive about?
Haven't we known this for years? Who among us is surprised? If they asked more of the right questions, perhaps they could add this to Affordable Care as a pre-existing condition.
If you believe racism is only perceived, then 4 little Black girls deserve a huge apology, and untold thousands of slaves need a do-over. Racism is alive and well, and not just in America. Until the main beneficiaries of racism admit these benefits exist and still cause pain and inequalities in all aspects and areas of life, nothing will change. This kind of accountability could open a door of healing, but to forever be treated as if the harm has never even existed creates a wound that is forever being reopened.
Martha- How would you know how scientific the study is? Have you personally read and analyzed all documents, tests and questionnaires associated with this study over a two year period? I seriously doubt it, until you do save your judgment.
Robin M.- Keep dreaming and wishing you were superior. Arabs who are (non-white) using your label, are wealthier than Whites in the west, Asian countries (also non-white) are more educated, creative, and in many areas wealthier than Whites in the west, African countries are home to some of the wealthiest men and women in the world. And I might add right here in America there are many African-Americans and Hispanics that are wealthier, more educated, and more successful than White Americans who may be very poor and uneducated like yourself. (Not that you are poor, but from your post you are clearly uneducated.)
I’ve known many poor people in my life. All they had was money.