We’ve often discussed famous diets such as “Mediterranean diet,” “DASH diet” and “low –carb-diets” for their cholesterol and blood pressure-lowering abilities.
However, a Swedish study performed at Lund University reveals an old, traditional but little known diet that may blow all these fad-diets away with its amazing health benefits.
It was proven to drastically improve high cholesterol and high blood pressure, as well as positively impact type 2 diabetes and body weight.
A recent study done by researchers at Lund University, Sweden, revealed that the “Nordic diet” has an amazing ability to decrease harmful LDL cholesterol in blood and promote the increase of “good” HDL cholesterol.
The Nordic diet study was performed by dividing participants into two groups.
The first group was asked to change their diet into going mostly on a Nordic diet for a period of time. This diet mainly consists of local berries, root vegetables, legumes, whole grains and cabbage. They also increased nut, poultry, fish and rapeseed oil consumption.
The second study participant group had no diet restrictions. They continued eating the same amounts of fat, red meats and white bread. They also consumed considerably less healthy Nordic diet foods. Instead of rapeseed oil they ate butter.
After research, scientists gathered blood samples to compare the results of both participant groups.
The researchers discovered that study participants who were on a healthy Nordic diet had significantly lower levels of harmful LDL cholesterol. The amount of damaging fat particles in blood was also decreased dramatically.
In addition, they had decreased levels of inflammation and improved pre-diabetes compared to the “free-for-all” group.
This Scandinavian study once again proves the importance of a healthy diet.
Not only does it provide us with the critical vitamins and nutrients, but it also helps to maintain healthy weight- which is crucial to our heart health and well being.
So, let’s take advantage of this time of the year. It is the best time to load ourselves with vitamins and minerals, as well as and fibers from fresh fruits, vegetables and berries.
Remember also that if you do suffer from life threatening conditions like high blood pressure or high cholesterol, easy, medicine free alternatives exist to get rid of them forever…
Follow this step-by-step plan to get your cholesterol under control in 30 days or less…
Or, if you have high blood pressure:
Discover how 3 easy exercises drop blood pressure below 120/80 as soon as today…
It is true, now it is the time to load ourselves with with vitamins. So many fresh fruits, vegetables and berries in the fall. I love picking blueberries in the forest, near where I live.
Thanks for posting !
I would like to share experience. I started taking molasses and baking soda treatment for possible cancer.
My blood pressure is still a little high but have had no arrhythmia for past several weeks now, which is quite a relief itself. That treatment creates an alkaline environment, apparently necessary to combat many diseases. The ph readings vary between 7 and 8. quite green zone. am also eating less red meats and hardly any pastries now. I believe sugar is very dangerous.
Responding to georgia c. as vit. D capsules were mentioned; I’ve taken them also since I needed to raise my D level but continue to have inflamatory issues of many kinds… Then I read the following article about cholecalciferol vrs. ergocalciferol vrs. fermented cod liver oil (FCLO) forms of D which is bafflilng but worth pondering. http://www.greenpasture.org/fermented-cod-liver-oil-butter-oil-vitamin-d-vitamin-
I am amazed at this new Nordic diet which recommends rapeseed oil – I have read that it is high in trans fats. So what is the truth?
Responding to Elaine,
Actually Rapeseed oil contains very small amounts of trans fatty acids at levels too low to be a health concern, just make sure that it is not hydrogenated.
The levels of trans fat in non hydrogenated Rapeseed oil are bellow 0.5 g per serving.
Remember to read the labels carefully to make sure that you are getting NON hydrogenated Rapeseed oil.
Rapeseed oil is actually quite healthy oil, rich in Vitamin E and Omega 3 fatty acids. Just make sure it is organic, contains no GMO and is NON hydrogenated.
Good luck