People who suffer from TMJ or have problems with day- and nighttime clenching are often faced with limited choices for solutions to their problems.

Frequently, dentists will immediately go to the mouth guard as the go-to solution to the problem.

However, guards can be expensive and only treat the symptoms of TMJ and clenching. But a new device aims at treating the problems at their source and might even replace the use of guards down the road.

Makers of a new biofeedback unit worn on the forehead believe they may have found an alternative to expensive, custom-fit guards for treating TMJ and also for clenchers.

The device senses movement in the temporalis muscles in the temples, and can emit a signal when this happens. The signal is designed to cause the person wearing the headband to stop clenching and moving the jaw.

Proponents of the biofeedback device say that it is effective for more than 50% of users and unlike mouth guards, come with an actual guarantee.

Mouth guards can be frustrating for people since they can be very expensive and don’t last very long. People with serious clenching issues or severe TMJ can go through a guard in a matter of weeks as the guard gets chewed up.

Additionally, chunks of resin can become dislodged and swallowed, presenting a choking hazard. The idea of digesting bits of chemicals this way can be off-putitng for most.

The biofeedback headband is worn externally and presents no such danger, but many who have used it still wind up needing other treatments anyway.

An even more powerful method to permanently cure TMJ and teeth clenching is this simple, easy-to-do group of face exercises. Learn more and test-drive these exercises online here…