A study out of Oxford University casts an unfavorable light on a common sweetener used in processed food. More troubling, though, is how hard it is to avoid the additive in the first place.
In countries where there is a high consumption of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS for short), rates of type 2 diabetes are as much as 20 percent higher than countries that consume little to none.
The sweetener is used more widely than cane sugar because of its food-moistening benefits and the fact that it’s cheaper than cane.
The US was found to consume the most HFCS out of the 42 countries studied, with an estimated average of over 55 pounds of it consumed per person every year.
The US’s neighbors, Canada and Mexico, also ranked near the top of the list for high consumption of HFCS, followed by Argentina, Korea and Japan.
The study noted that in terms of causative elements for type 2 diabetes, the kind of sugar doesn’t matter, and countries that consume high amounts of total sugar, like the UK with more than 80 pounds per person in a year also see higher rates of the disease.
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The headline of this article is TOTALLY misleading. There is no one cause of Diabetes, it is a lifestyle, and that lifestyle includes diet. Diet is the main cause of diabetes, and the phenomenal increase in the last thirty years of diabetes was when a new "healthy" way of eating was promoted. Low fat, no fat, plenty vegetable oils which is no more than diesel fuel when heated, less meat, less dairy products, plent carbohydrates, several differing fruits a day, a recipe, literally, for not only diabetes but a host of degenerative dieseases which now plague society. This "healthy" eating program has proven to be the most deadly diet ever conceived, as is proven by the proof of the pudding is in the eating. If MILLIONS of sick and and an ever sicker society is not enough for you, then there is no hope for such a mentality. For those who want to help themselves buy a book called 'TRICK and TREAT' by a Barry Groves. The finest book on nutrition and health that you will ever read.
I think you missed the point. High Fructose Corn Syrup has been used in almost all packaged foods for a lot of years. It is very difficult to shop without buying quite a few items that does not have HFCS in it; and most people buy it unsuspectingly; those people who “think” they cannot cook home cooked meals from scratch; using only fresh or frozen produce and fruits; and NEVER buying boxed items with HFCS in it; and without Hydrogenated oils, or Partially Hydrogenated Oils in them. It can be done. I never purchase food now, without checking for unhealthy ingredients, as well as for healthy ingredients. I make my own soups, stews, etc. breads included. I had to begin doing that; my health was deteriorating while I had been eating more and more healthy since the mid 60’s! I quit colas; white flour, white breads, white rice. I do buy multi-grain breads, whole grain types only!
If you look on the ingredients list of food items, Micheal, you will see the sickest ingredients on the most common foods, and the most bought and eaten and taken home to unsuspecting children. If our country “cheats” us, how are all the citizens of the US going to know what is good, and what is toxic food items? Our FDA should not allow harmful ingredients into any edible or drinkable item for consumption! What do we have the FDA for, if they cannot keep our food items safe? Get rid of FDA, and find someone who will take responsible for food safety, instead of hem hawing about less harmful, food items they don’t even know about. Obama, do you feed your daughters boxed foods with these ingredients? Why are they in our markets? We have food and drink items from China to worry about; that are allowed into the US for our consumption. They have proven to be liars about their food and drinks, even giving toxic formula to their on little newborn Chinese babies! Our FDA should be better than that, and better than they are. Put a stop to toxins in edibles and liquids for consumption in the USA! grumbling griping georgia, here;-)
You are right about one thing, Michael Cook; if everyone is careful, and quit buying this trash food, they will quit using what is unacceptable in their food items. But, Michael, not eveyone is able to know what is toxic, and what is better to choose. Even wealthy parents both work; and their children are out in town, eating, guess what? Toxic Trash Food! We gotta get it outof the Markets, and out of the USA food chain. the grouch, georgia
Barry Groves has a web site
It’s very polemical, but there is a lot of misinformation out there to be polemical about!
Michael & Georgia are both right – but one thing most people forget is the sugar in fruit. If you eat a piece of fruit before going to bed and you take your blood sugar levels the next morning, they will be up. Fruit should be eaten on an empty stomach and never before bed. Also, the “healthy” diet Michael talks about has about 5 pieces of fruit a day – this is 4 pieces too many. We should substitute the fruit we eat during the day for vegies.
The problem is that people expect food to be cheap. It’s an absurd expectation because food production requires good land and water, plus skilled management of crops and livestock. None of this is cheap. But governments, fearful of disgruntled citizens, allow this toxic dead food to be mass produced with its attendant animal cruelty. I think eating animals that have lived extremely stressed even painful lives is not good for us.
Greed is a terrible thing: we used to have local dairies and local saleyards where local butchers selected their beasts to be slaughtered locally. Then came the mania to merge for greater efficiencies (for whom?). Now with the globalisation of the world’s economies we don’t know where our food comes from. Virtually every label says, “made in Australia/US/Wherever from local and imported products”. What’s local? The container? Like you, Georgia, I cook from scratch as far as I can, and we grow a lot of our own veggies too. I wouldn’t touch that Chinese garlic if you paid me.
Thankfully in Australia cane sugar is the dominant sweetener seeing as how we grow so much of the stuff. personally I only use minimal sugar and add Stevia or honey most of the time. ______
We are expensive.People are expensive to governments.IF WE DIE OF TOXIC FOODS
High Fructose Corn Syrop is something my family will try to do without.
Great comments all! Kate I agree with you 100%. I remember years ago when doctors where saying to incorporate 5 pieces of fruits in your diet per day; I am remembering scratching my head and saying to myself how is that possible!!?? Your entire day would have been consumed with fruits and nothing else. I love fruits but I only eat it when I am in the mood for it and not any more. However, I eat vegetables every day, some times twice a day with lunch and dinner. I try not to deprive myself but I eat multi grain, and I always try to stay away from white rice and flour. I do have a slice of pizza once in a while and my hemoglobin AIC was 5.9 for many years and currently sits at about 6.1. I think the goal for diabetics are to exercise daily even if they walk for 30 minutes, control portion size, and stay away from process foods 95% of the time. We are human its not going to work 100% of the time for most people diabetic or not. I pretty much eat what I want to eat but I reduce the portion size so it wont increase my blood sugar greatly.
Also, what I find works for me is taking antioxidant daily, keeping up with my B vitamins, like B 6, B 12, vitamin D and natural herbs like Cinnamon, Curry, Pomegranate, turmeric and things in that family line helps blood sugar and protects your internal organs.