Medical journals and research studies abound with data showing which efforts are better than others at eliminating heartburn, reflux, and other digestive woes.
Today, we’ll give you the quick-and-dirty for the top 6 that show up again and again as some easy things that you can do as soon as today to eliminate your tummy troubles.
These tips will helps eliminate IBS as well.
1) Put down the soda can. Aside from forcing into your system a ton of sodium and potentially a lot of sugar, most sodas are packed with caffeine. This is a known trigger of not only IBS symptoms, but also reflux and other types of heartburn. Start by replacing 12 ounces at a time of that soda habit with water and see how much better you’ll feel in a week.
2) Drop a little weight. Carrying more than 30 pounds compresses internal organs. Carrying more than that compresses them even more. Being overweight or obese also slows digestion, which is then going to lead to stomach ache, heartburn…even certain food intolerances. Get off the couch and head for the treadmill. You can watch your news programs or crime dramas from there.
3) Find clothes that fit. Just because you can get them on, doesn’t mean they fit. Make sure that your pants, belts, skirts, or other clothing that comes around the stomach or gut is appropriately fitted. Clothing that’s too tight doesn’t just create a muffin top, it constricts those organs causing pain.
4) Make those meals smaller, and just eat more of them. Speaking of loosening the belt…if you eat enough in one sitting to have to do this, you’re doing it wrong. If your reflux or heartburn is severe, you need to limit what you eat to 8 ounces per meal- total, and just eat them more frequently. Give your stomach a break and put at least half that meal in a box as soon as you get it.
5) Limit alcohol, especially before bed time. Alcohol is hard on the stomach, especially if you have food intolerances creeping up on you. Gluten intolerances mean no beer. Hard liquor likes to attack the lining of the stomach and lead to ulcers. Limit your drinks to one or two, and only with a meal.
6) Stop Smoking– period.
Want even more powerful heartburn cure? Check out a simple approach to end acid reflux forever – effective in 5 minutes….
Step-by-step plan to heal IBS beginning today…
Good info. Have just come to the conclusion that I have not only to watch out for tight trousers but also under wired bras too (sorry guys, probably too much info for you but poss important to us girlies). Getting old’s a crock. Never had these problems when I was younger : (
Thank you for posting this article.
In addition to your 6 points,overeating is worth noting.You don’t mention organic apple cider, I have found it very effective
In addition to your 6 points,I have found organic apple cider vinegar very effective.
My tip is to change to the food combining diet. Not mixing carbs and proteins has completely eliminated my reflux and I have a hiatus hernia.
I was always very skinny.Never drank, or smoked, and suffered with heartburn, and acid reflux constantly.Now I am overweight, I drink my daily three glasses of wine, and smoke.I don't suffer with either reflux or heartburn anymore.I bet you will not put this on the page, but I swear to God it is true.
5 of these steps don't apply to me. Only 1 by little.