One of the reason you may have had problems lowering your blood pressure and improving your overall health is that you’ve been advised to take out majority of things you love to eat from your diet.
A study coming out of the Tufts University in Boston, however, reveals a yummy dairy product that helps lower blood pressure.
Recently, a long-term study following more than 2,000 patients across 15 years concluded with results that are promising to those with high blood pressure.
The study found that long-term consumers of yogurt had health benefits that were twofold: not only did they have a lower average systolic (top) level, but they were also less likely to ever develop high blood pressure in the first place, as compared to people who didn’t eat yogurt.
The criteria for being a consumer of yogurt was to eat about 2/3 of a cup of low-fat/low-calorie yogurt, at least three times a week.
The trend of lower blood pressure was even stronger when those on blood pressure medications were excluded from the analysis, looking only at dietary considerations.
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What if someone who has not been used to taking , at sixty years old, now starts to drink it for the purpose of lowering blood pressure?
dI eat Yogurt almost daily. The low fat blueberry and strawberry are delicious. kThanks for the info.
Why would it have to be a low fat product ???
It sounds like yesterday’s advice now being discredited as we discover fat is not bad for you unless it is polyunsaturated fat [industrial oils and margarines]
All low fat dairy is a waste of space. Dairy itself has problems being at risk of pollutants through the industrial processes it is subjected to. Dairy as supplied by the cow is fine, if it’s not fed hormones and antibiotics.
So use the least processed milk, full fat for starters, without permeates or other additives, if it can be found.
Low fat yogurt etc. will be from “waste” milk, as above.
Does it matter whether or not the Yoghurt is Bio or Non-Bio?
Now I'm in kidney failure, we are told not to eat dairy, fruit,…catch 22.
John, I completely agree with you about low fat yogurt. My personal perspective is to consume full fat milk products rather than low fat. The study however used low fat yogurt so I felt it was right to include that fact in the article. More importantly is to use plain yogurt (not added sugar) and sweeten it using natural things like fruits and honey.
Jemima, the study used regular yogurt. I’d however think that switching things up and also consuming BIO yogurt could be very good because it includes different kind of microbes and therefore more varieties.
Temitayo, definitely never to late to start. Yogurt has so many health benefits I 100% recommend it even if you’ve not consumed much yogurt in the past.
The only place I have been able to find real whole milk yogurt is Trader Joe’s. The container is red. Others sell products labeled, whole milk yogurt, but if you read the ingredient list there is always skim milk.