Spotting developing heart problems just got more reliable in those with diabetes, reports a group from New Jersey Medical School and published in the American Journal of Opthalmology.
What were the researchers looking at?
A narrowing in the arteries surrounding the retina has been shown to be an extremely reliable predictor of future blood pressure and cardiovascular health problems in those with diabetes, reports a group out of the New Jersey Medical School.
The study revealed that wider-than-normal and narrowing of these arteries have been an accurate harkening of problems with high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and circulation complications in the extremities.
The study underscores the importance of seeing an ophthalmologist regularly after being diagnosed with diabetes.
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How does one see the narrowing of the arteries surrounding the retina…when you can't see any arteries?
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Thanks for this very intersting article. Over the years, I have kept viligence attention to my eye care with my Optomitrist and Ophthalmologist. At the advise of my Optomitrist, I have used a grapeseed extract for many years and after having cataract surgery, the surgeon advised said everything looked good back of the eye. To me that was validation of the supplement.
thanks for posting interesting article…
Good information. My optometrist will be interested in this article. Thamks.
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