If you suffer from any of the most common health issues bothering the Western world, the last thing you want to do is fight it.
I know this is against everything your doctor as well as your common sense has told you, but after helping thousands of people with everything from high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, obesity to full blown cancer and everything in-between, I’ve become aware of a fundamental mistake we all tend to make when tackling these health issues.
What’s more, this mistake not only applies to health but pretty much every aspect of our lives. If you take my advice today, I guarantee both your health and happiness level will rise 200%.
This article is a little philosophical, so I think the discussions at the end will be interesting and lively.
You see, in the early nineteenth century Alexander Fleming made a breakthrough discovery called penicillin. It changed everything when it came to health. Suddenly 90% of all deadly diseases of the time could be treated.
Just think about it. It would be like today one drug with very limited side effects that could eliminate cancer, heart attacks, strokes and diabetes- all at once. That’s how powerful the discovery of penicillin was, only in that day and age infectious diseases were the bane of everyday existence.
However, did this stop people from dying or getting sick? Only to some degree, and only temporarily. People who didn’t die of bacteria-caused diseases lived to develop other, more sophisticated diseases like cancer for example.
But it did change the way we thought about illness and injury. With the discovery of bacteria and viruses, we were suddenly aware that we were fighting tiny, unseen forces that were attacking us. Kind of like being at war.
We fight diseases! Makes sense, right? Maybe…
You see, diseases caused by viruses and bacteria are very rare in wild nature. They only began to drastically develop among people in the last 2000 – 3000 years when they began to build bigger cities and pack hundreds, thousands or even millions of people in a small space. Especially when there was little room for processing waste.
Increase in traveling also spread bacteria from one area where people had become immune to them to another where people were vulnerable. One of the most devastating examples was the wipe out of big populations around the Amazon River when Europeans “discovered” the area.
So in some ways, we could say that it isn’t really the bacteria and viruses that most often cause those diseases cured by Penicillin but our lack of respect for the environment, overdoing with technology and overloading our immune system.
However, the human mind is amazing in its adaptability. Using penicillin and by dealing with our waste a little better, keeping our water supplies clean (although that sometimes means loading it with cleaning chemicals), bacteria and viruses don’t seem to be as big of a health threat any more.
So what are today’s diseases? At the top of the list is type 2 diabetes, heart attack, stroke, cancer, arthritis, obesity, fatigue … just to name a few.
And what do all these diseases have in common? It’s not that we’re fighting external invasion like bacteria or viruses. What happens is that your body is turning against itself.
Cancer cells are your normal cells that have changed to attack your organs. Heart attack and stroke happen when plaque (created by your own body) builds up in your arteries and blocks blood flow (often caused by your body raising your blood pressure to a dangerous level on a daily basis). Type 2 diabetes comes to existence when your body’s normal insulin response fails and arthritis is created by an over-reactive immune system that attacks healthy cells (so are hundreds of other auto-immune diseases).
And the source for most of those diseases can be found in one way or another in the lifestyle we’ve lived. Scientists have yet to link more than 3% of any of modern day diseases to genetic causes. Which only leaves the environment we live in, the diet we consume and the lifestyle we practice.
This brings us to the cruel point of today’s article. This is something that Eastern philosophers have been preaching for centuries. The fact is, we most often don’t have to fight external threats. We are so often our own worst enemy.
We ourselves are the ones who consume all the food that makes us overweight; the sugar, fat and processed food that clogs our arteries and unbalance our immune system. We’re the ones that skip the salad and go straight for the steak.
I’m a big believer that stress is a major contributor to almost all diseases. Stress causes our body to store fat, not deliver energy to vital organs, raise blood pressure and weaken our immune system.
But nobody really puts stress on us. It’s only the amount we accept and take. It’s our reactions and attitude towards the events in our lives. So the politicians are unethical and stupid, it doesn’t do us much good to sit and rage about it does it? So our family members often act imperfectly. How we react is not going to make them any better – it only makes us worse.
It’s not the snake who bit you…
90% of those dying from snake bite do so from reacting to the snake either from fear or anger, increasing the heart rate and therefore the rate at which the poison travels through the body. If people just relax, sit quietly and try to stop the blood flow from the bite, most often help will arrive in time.
In the same way we often make the events in our lives much worse by over-reacting to them. It’s not just our health that suffers.
I often receive feedback from people who used my blood pressure exercises for a while. They tell me that not only did their blood pressure quickly drop down to normal, they also experienced extreme calmness in stressful situations, even days after using the exercises. You can learn more about the blood pressure exercises here…
The fact is, we shouldn’t try to fight diseases. We should try to find the root cause of why the disease began to develop and then change what WE did to cause it to happen. Most often it isn’t an attack from outside but a process from within.
It doesn’t mean that all the fault lies with us. Genetics can cause problems, too, and part is the environment we live in. But even if we only take 50% of the responsibility, that leaves us lots of leeway for improvements.
There is so much info on the Internet you can find. You can begin by reading over hundreds of articles on this site and often very helpful comments from our readers at the end.
You can also check out some of our natural health guides on the sidebar of this page. Some of the more popular are the Type 2 Diabetes Guide, The Arthritis Guide and The Cholesterol Guide. They are all based on taking responsibility to change our lifestyles to improve our health.
But first, please leave your feedback below.
This was my first read of Blue Heron and I freely admit I enjoyed the ride. Good, solid and perhaps even life-saving information available at the end of one little link.
I do, however, have a question that does not directly relate to senior health, but rather to the psychological baggage we often carry because of the con artists and shysters we run into on the internet. Can you refer me to an online website where we seniors can share the often painful, and financially disabling encounters with each other, and hopefully by naming names and telling our stories, we can keep others of us from being victimized?
I'd certainly love to find such a website. Have I got a story to tell!
Posted by Linda Abramson [email protected].
This was my first read of Blue Heron and I freely admit I enjoyed the ride. Good, solid and perhaps even life-saving information available at the end of one little link.
I do, however, have a question that does not directly relate to senior health, but rather to the psychological baggage we often carry because of the con artists and shysters we run into on the internet. Can you refer me to an online website where we seniors can share the often painful, and financially disabling encounters with each other, and hopefully by naming names and telling our stories, we can keep others of us from being victimized?
I’d certainly love to find such a website. Have I got a story to tell!
Posted by Linda Abramson [email protected].
I think there’s a lot of truth in what you say, though I disagree with the assertion that in the ‘wild’ viruses and bacteria aren’t a problem. In any case we do live in a congested environment and so have to make the best of it. I believe you are right when you say that the body will often cure itself if given a chance and I am aware that medications sometimes do more harm than good and that we poison ourselves with some of the food we eat. Mind can conquer disease if in the right frame. I think of Swift’s (?) quote about the four best doctors
Dr Air and Dr Diet; Dr Merriment and Dr Quiet.
It’s refreshing when someone tells the truth. Congratulations on an excellent article, and thank you for having the guts to write it.
the very true advice.
Wow, it is relevant point for the reader including me. T hank you!
totally agree
Jeff let me know if you get an answer to your question – I think we seniors have a lot of stories to tell.
Really enjoy your health news and trying to keep healthy naturally with lifestyle changes and fewer medicines.
It’s very hard to take stress out of the equation. We live in very expensive world and in the country that doesn’t assist its citizens much in raising their children (except Quebec). As parents, our hands are tied by the thread of kids calling 911, we have little leverage over disciplining them for their own good. We have to invest in their extracirriculum activities which are severely overpriced.
Try not to be stressed by all the jobs you have to take to provide to your kids.
Try not to be stressed looking for reasonably priced healthy food.
It is very convenient to put all blame back for the diseases at those stressed people, but they only own a part of it.
And yes, stress breeds diseases. I can agree on this one
What is Disease really? – What is the *root cause* of Disease? How can one *Heal Oneself*? Who am I really?
BeiYin: By understanding life and so ones daily life as the opportunity for ones *learning and growing*, when relating and responding to whatever shows up. In this challenge then changing and transforming ones view, habits and within this *growing process* going beyond limiting conditioning finding *oneself*.
Question: Isn’t it pretty clear what ‘disease’ is? Something goes wrong and so my body doesn’t function as it should. One has pain and ones energy goes down, making one suffer and feeling bad.
BeiYin: First let’s find out what ‘disease’ really is, that will be different than from the Medical dictionary: “Disease: Any deviation from or interruption of the normal structure or function of any body part, organ, or system that is manifested by a characteristic set of symptoms and signs and whose etiology, pathology, and prognosis may be known or unknown.”
This is correct when seeing it just limited to the material body level, but is only describing disease as a failure and so of course must be seen as something negative and so should be changed. In case somebody asks for the cause of ones disease, then it will be described as ‘germs’ or ‘energy imbalance’, but nobody ask about the *root cause* and so nobody is doing anything about it and only treating the disturbing symptoms. In my view the ‘normal structure or function of the body system’ and that includes the mental and emotions, is disturbed and weakened due to the accumulation of tension, that is produced in every persons daily life and is called ‘stress’. Accumulated tension is influencing a person on all levels and so causing disease and then there are other influences like toxins, that accumulate in the body and also cause ‘interruption of the normal structure or function of any body part’. It is nearly impossible to avoid that toxins have their damaging influence on our body and together with the damage the accumulated tension does, it is not surprising that hardly any body is really *healthy*.
Question: Then of course the next question shows up: Why we are producing stress? Isn’t this just ‘normal’ and part of our life? The same as all the toxic influences, meanwhile these became ‘normal’.
BeiYin: Obviously all this has become ‘normal’. So it also has become ‘normal’, that there are millions and millions with all kind of diseases. This has become ‘normal’ and so is never questioned!
But if someone has suffered for many years and went from one doctor and healer to the next without getting real help to be healed, then there might show up some critical questions… And also the question about the ‘real root cause’. But there exist no answer coming from the common knowledge mindset.
Question: So then the question is: What is causing the tension in every bodies daily life? Then how could this be avoided to keep ones health? With toxins it seems easier to avoid these. At least I can check the food I am buying, but I can’t avoid to breath the polluted air or escape from other toxic influences…
BeiYin: Tension coming from stress is obviously the inevitable result living in our so strongly established society, with a mindset that contains already all answers. Telling us how we must live, what we must buy, what we think and feel. We are all programmed from our early days on. Through given ‘knowledge’, represented in concepts about every thing that is part of our life on all existing levels, well and profoundly explained through authorities on all fields.
Question: Well yes, but why there is tension showing up, if all has its known place and is kept under control by specialists for every thing?
BeiYin: What there is established as the perfect world view, without any question left open, is the traditional survival game within the history of mankind from the earliest beginning. So that makes it so firm and stable, without any serious doubts about it, because we are all growing into it as soon one appears on this earthen plan.
Question: Then what’s wrong about it?
BeiYin: There is nothing ‘wrong’ about it, as it is just the condition of the step in our evolution. What’s ‘wrong’ is that we are stuck on this step and that shows when we are trying to live these established goals and values that are part of the common concepts. Then it shows, that there is a discrepancy between ones created self image that one is trying to live and for what one is seeking confirmation – and our daily reality, that too often doesn’t fulfill our expectations. Then no wonder that we are disappointed, frustrated and so producing a lot of stress. That when it accumulates, brings us out of balance. First this might show up in our emotional reactions and also in our mental activities and then it will show up on the body level, effecting its function…
Question: Why nobody is pointing this out, so that we all might be interested to change it?
BeiYin: This is a complicate and complex subject and goes too far right now, but we can talk later more about it, if some body is interested in this subject…
More essential to know is, that every body has ones own inbuilt *growing force* that also has the power to *heal* oneself, but we need to listen to this *inner force* and this we can only when we get out of dependencies to the outside conditions and people.
‘Disease’ is the intention of ones system to heal oneself, – to bring one into *balance* and that would finally mean: To connect one with ones *true being*, – beyond concepts and images…
Until now you have been stuck in your suffering. It seems you are ready to change your view on ‘disease’ and you can understand, that you are NOT a victim of these conditions, but that this happening is part of your personal learning, growing and healing process.
Question: What can I do to avoid ‘stress’ as I can see, that this would be an important part of my healing? What else can I do in my treatments?
BeiYin: You can’t yet avoid stress. Before you can do this, you would have to get rid in the first place of the cause why you are getting into stress and accumulating this. This you can’t do, it only can be the result of your growing process, when you have transformed your present state of being in such a way, that not only your world view has changed, but also you are becoming aware of your personal unconscious background. This background contains all the influences you have received in your life and these have programmed you. Out of these background programs you are reacting in your daily encounters, that is causing your ‘stress’, because daily reality is NOT how you want it to be from the established concepts you have made to your own. Now when you realize that there is a problem, then you want to make a concept how to solve it and then trying to practice this, but this will not work: You can’t make a ‘new concept’ and then trying to live it. That’s what you have been doing all your life until now and it doesn’t work… just keeps you trapped!
The most important is, to become aware what is causing the stress and then practicing a way to release the accumulated stress. This is possible when you practice the *StressReleaseExercise*, – how I call it. Actually it is ‘Meditation’, but this word is so much loaded with religious and spiritual
interpretation, that this rejects many people who would need it urgently for their life and healing. You can find instruction how to do the exercise at: http://falconblanco.com/release/ and also at my YouTube video: “Meditation just start now”
If you have any kind of question coming out of what you are reading here, then don’t hesitate to ask me…
But back to the subject: You are strong and ready, so I am absolutely sure that you can heal yourself by just letting your *own growing and healing force* allowing to take over. If I could heal myself, then you also can. So first receive this information and convince yourself. You can’t yet trust
yourself, but you can trust your own *growing force*! Right?
Question: How can I trust something I don’t know? Must I believe in it?
BeiYin: You don’t need to ‘believe’ in any thing. You can inform yourself by observing for example the growing force in nature. This *force* is within a tiny little seed and then a plant grows out of it and grows and grows, having flowers and fruits. Without concepts, without any body telling any thing.
Just some earth and some times some water. If there is an obstacle like a rock, then the little roots have the power to break these. Isn’t this enough to tell you that you have the same force within yourself?
There can’t be any doubt, that the *growing* includes all levels of existence and we can observe, that having realized and being on one step, that doesn’t mean that one is capable to see the next one.
For us as humans the highest form we have realized, is being ‘self conscious’, when we are aware of our *existence* through our senses and being identified with our mind and our emotions, what means that mainly through our reactions we experience our existence. With the not so creative result, that people constantly provoking their surrounding, because they need the opportunity to react and so being confirmed in their existence. What makes it to a big game in that every body is involved, one using the other and the most clever ones are using the most sophisticated ‘scams’ in this common game, to push all available buttons to get what they want, blowing up themselves more and more…
As we all experience, this ‘confirmation game’ doesn’t work always like we would like it and so there is struggle and a lot of disappointment, – causing ‘stress’! That is accumulating and as we know meanwhile: Is the first step to bring us into the state of ‘disease’!
In the present step of our *growing*, what is called ‘evolution’, humans mainly develop their mental and emotional capacity and mostly being limited to this as ‘personalities’, so making it bigger and bigger…
But the *growing force* within each individual is strong and probably the strongest energy that exist.
We might see the existence as ‘personality’ like a cocoon and in deed humanity seems to be stuck in this, struggling within this transformation to become the butterfly, instead of just letting it happen.
The problems seems to be, that when people are struggling and suffering, that this also confirms them in their existence and so still this keeps them stuck in this limited transitional state, without a real urge to go beyond…
You wrote that you did meditation. That means that you are not doing it any more?
By now it should be clear, that you are in a ‘transformational process’. This mainly has to do with the development of your awareness. The best and most efficient without doubt is to practice meditation.
So then go to my page: http://falconblanco.com/release/ or to my video at YouTube and do it again: Twice a day for twenty minutes! If you have any doubts about doing it right, then ask me.
Realize that you have been in the trap, expecting help and healing from the outside and so spending this much money. You should be ready to get out of this…
Question: I read your recent article about ‘scam’ and you make me see that we are all caught in a big scam, that includes every thing and every body. Not only this, we are in a scam within ourselves, when being identified with our ‘personality’. – Then how can I ‘trust’, when there is nobody left to
trust, not even myself?
BeiYin: To be able to trust yourself you will need to create first the right ‘base’. That might be first: Not needing the security that comes from following authorities and what you are told. When you meditate, then you will develop also your *intuition* that will guide you, as it makes that you become aware of your own inner *growing force*. You will be capable to observe more objectively and make your conclusion. In this way gaining information that makes you see the real nature of happenings and conditions. Then out of this *realisation* you will find trust in yourself.
Question: How to get energy? Get rid of physical pain?
BeiYin: As long as you are identified with your reactions, defending yourself in any moment, you are loosing all your energy. The moment when you will be able to go beyond your personality, – that is yet the ‘battle field’ on that all your suffering is happening, – then you will have access to *abundance* on all levels.
‘Disease’ when not seen anymore from the position as a victim and as something negative, but as a part of ones *growing process*, then with this attitude becomes a creative base for ones healing on all levels. Allowing that *transformation* can happen and with this *real healing*!
(This is from my Web page: http://falconblanco.com/stress.htm)
I am coming from left field here, not meant to offend anyone. I am just voicing my thoughts. i have lived most of my life as a victim, martyr etc. got very sick almost died. but started to take charge of myself. our emotions cause all disease, you say what about DNA, etc.. well its the baggage of unresolved issues. DNA can be changed by clearing the emotional debris. the biggest step in healing and most important is solve your emotional cause that created it in the first place then the body will not create another form of disease to get your attention.
as for talking about your stories, i did that for 15 years got me entrenched deeper into my issues. yes share by all means but with the point of solving the emotion that brought you the experience. yes become the worlds greatest detective of your self- your emotions. no one else is to blame the buck stops with you.
i will be 59 this year so no spring chicken here – my story, i have let go of could make box office history and i did it all myself ha, ha. i still have a few issues to tackle – i am getting there one step at a time – there is no magic instant pill, just the road to self discovery- stay out of self pity and guilt they are useless. they will create more of what you have. good luck everyone happy hunting.
This article is very much informative,logical,interesting and of course useful.
Save this article to lead a good life with good health.I am happy to note it.
I couldn't agree with you more. My prayer is to get off my blood pressure med as soon as possible. I have always been a healthy eater and excercise but I'm improving in this area too. I believe eliminating as much stress as possible and changing hoenI react to stress will help get my blood pressure back to normal.
well said,
It certainly is a good point here. It doesn’t mean to ignore stress but to be TOLERANT a lot more than is the case today. How much of the news we get each day is positive? 10%? Not much.
My extra issue is our diet. According to one book I read, The “healthy heart diet” is the sure fire recipe for a heart attack, because it recommends using polyunsaturated fats and fructose. The huge industry based on seed oils and fructose consumption, all sanctioned by the media etc. has it’s vested interests. While the deaths from heart attacks have decreased [due to better medical intervention], the incidence of CVD has skyrocketed. Cancer too.
All avoidable if we take our diet into our own hands and delete seed oils and fructose from our diet. There are 3000 studies out there, starting with the Framingham study, about this yet we choose or are advised to to ignore them.
At our peril.
We are what we eat, and we eat badly.
Dear friends in common self treatment,
I firmly believe that I am what I think about myself in terms of health, wealth and well-being. Life is a road with many tunnels along the route. On ce while driving I realised that a tunnel is undoubtedly a dark passage which connects two ends which are not dark (ofcourse in the daytime). One cannot reach the other end of the road without going through the dark tunnel. So friends go through the dark tunnel, slow down the driving a bit and reach the other end of the tunnel which is brighter. Get my point. Be hopeful that there is light and hope at the other end of the tunnel. Have a happy life. Joel.
I thought it very good, I use the Blood Pressure guide but how does onw stop the occational flare up?
hmmm I guess I'm sorry to say, the one thing I found is a little different. Not that less stress is not good for you, but, physically, what I believe the cause of most ailments..including asthma, allergies, hbp, diabetes, even obesity, etc. is..non-organic food. In non-organic foods comes toxins, either in the dairy and meats, shot with hormones and antibiotics, or the produce, drenched in pesticides etc. (more toxins) It is good advice..interesting regarding snake bites. So, I do take that from this, very good advice always to not panic..that does hinder rational thought. Thank you.
Thank you for emphasisisng so important aspect of good health. Fighting has never ended any problem. Accepting it and finding our own balance while living connected to the Universal Energy is the way out of sickness long term. Being neutral while choosing the best options for maintaining or regaining good health, is crucial. Sometime, options like the ones offerd by Christian will be the best solutions, sometimes we will have to settle for some sort of medical intervention, sometimes for both.
I tend to prefer, what we call, natural solutions and this is why I practise Reiki and use natural products (e.g. recommended by Christian), but I have no issue about receiving a standard medical treatment if needed. Since I practise Reiki, my need for supplements is very low and my visits to doctors and health practitioners almost non existing.
I appreciate all comments above, but like Joel’s methaphysical point in particualr.
Good health to all of you!
Interesting to note that European diseases destroyed so many natives of the Amazon. However, the disease syphilis has had its origin traced to British Guyana. Its arrival in Europe through Naples spread devastation throughout the Western world. Not all the misery of human disease traveling brought destruction in just one direction. Many new immigrants in San Francisco are bringing resistant tuberculosis with them, especially in Chinatown.
If crowding and tensions associated therewith causes diseases like stroke, hypertension and cancer,then it is in the teeming cities of Asia that we should look for solutions. What are those people doing there to relax their blood vessels? What are their healthy and unhealthy eating habits?