People on beta-blockers have slower metabolism and are 11 to 37 pounds heavier on the average than people similar age with high blood pressure that do not use beta-blockers.
This is the result of a study based on data from 11,438 adults, led by Dr. Paul Lee of St. Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney.
Those using beta-blockers should focus on life-style changes, such as improved diet and more exercises, to improve their metabolism. You may also want to check out our program to lower high blood pressure and Weight Loss Breeze program.
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The first lesson is that you should not think too much about what you have no control over. Two try and give yourself enough rest. Try some light exercises on a daily basis. Take plenty water first thing in the morning when you wake up. Remove fear from your life & allow boldness to take control most of the time. Be positive everytime. Give these simple experiments a trial in your life and experience a very good health. I can assure you that High Blood pressure will go naturally. Thanks.