Studies point that excessive fat around the waist puts you at a greater risk of developing dementia. A study recently published in a medical journal shows that women with big waistlines are two times more likely to contract dementia in old age.

The Research

The research was done on women who took part in the Prospective Population Study of Women in Gothenbury. In the 1960s, 1,500 women in the age group 38-60 were studied. The women were not only put through various examinations, but their lifestyle was also analyzed.

After a gap of 32 years, a follow-up study revealed that 161 of these women, with average age of 75 years, now had dementia. The findings also revealed something peculiar – that women who had more fat around the waist than the buttocks or hips were two times more likely to contract dementia in old age. However, this study didn’t find any correlation between BMI (Body Mass Index) and dementia.

Deborah Gustafson, a key researcher of this study, pointed that unlike other similar studies in which a relation between BMI and dementia was found, no direct link between the two were noted in this study. She added that a probable explanation for this could be that a majority of the women who participated in the Prospective Population Study were not overweight or obese.

Belly Fat – Why it is more dangerous

The answer to this riddle could lie in the fact that abdomen area in comparison to other body parts, such as hips or thigh contains more blood vessels and vital organs. The buildup of fat inside abdominal cavity can restrict the flow of blood to various organs, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and dementia.

Lose belly fat naturally

By making positive changes in your lifestyle and eating habits, you can successfully shed excessive belly fat.

Here are some tips that help you shed the excess fat around the belly and other body parts:

  • Exercise regularly – For best results, combine aerobic exercises with some strength training exercises.
  • Sleep properly – Experts recommend seven hours of sleep each day.
  • Eat healthy – Include wholesome foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet, and stay away from fatty or greasy foods.

Reducing excessive fat helps in normalizing the blood flow. Remember, the lack of blood flow to the brain leads to dementia and Alzheimer’s, so exercise daily to shed those extra pounds.