High blood pressure is a disease that affects as many as 25% of the world’s population, but can be controlled with a simple, cheap herb that grows in almost every climate on earth.
A simple, delicious (some say) herb that is used in cuisines of almost every country around the globe is found, yet again, to be a wonderful weapon in the fight to end stubbornly high blood pressure.
Garlic, which is used in practically every type of diet from vegan to carnivorous, was recently proven again to be effective in reducing high blood pressure for a group of study participants at the University of Adelaide in Australia.
While ingesting natural, raw garlic in food sources has historically been the most effective in making use of the tremendous anti-oxidant power of the bulb, the study showed that taking it in supplement form as a capsule of dried powder was also effective.
The researchers looked at 80 participants whose blood pressure was considered to be “medication resistant” and found that the group who took a placebo had no change in their blood pressure during the course of the study.
The group who took the garlic supplement, however, saw a drop of a whopping 12 mm/Hg systolic on average, which is more than many people see even when they take medication.
Want an even more powerful method than garlic? Discover how 3 easy exercises drop blood pressure below 120/80 as soon as today…
Check out this simple 3 step approach to completely reverse type 2 diabetes…
Worth a try! better 'en a Stroke!
Does it smell when taken as a supplement ?
Sounds Great….How much per day is needed to have that result?
How much garlic per day to help lower the BP
What you need to know: you have to be careful with garlic supplements as you can’t mix it with some prescription medicines. Garlic can not be taken if you are taking other supplements that have the side effect of thining the blood such as fish oil,aspirin,and over half a dozen others. Garlic can cause digestives problems in some people and the long term side effects of garlic is not know becauuse they have not done any studies. Getting the blood to thin is dangerous especially if you have surgery or dental work,you could bleed to death. A little garlc is good for your health ,heart and blood pressure. Experts say a small clove once a day or garlic powder in small amounts,however if you are going to do any kind of surgery check with your doctors as it could take up to 2 weeks to get it out of your system.
If you took a supplement of garlic and horseradish, would you lower your blood pressure and ward off colds??
The partner should take
garlic also to avoid bad smell..Thank you
how long should you take in this garlic? for a month?
Other foods to lower blood pressure are raisins and cinnamon! I have low
blood pressure anyhow: 100/60 is normal for me. So, eating a handful of raisins and a little cinnamon in my coffee each a.m. caused mine to go lower
and made me feel like I had NO energy at all. So, I stopped eating them both and started taking pantothenic acid each day and now I feel great! I’m also 80 years old, so if it worked for me, it should work for others!!
Ii live in Adelaide, the capital of the state of South Australia, so amthrilled this latest research has emanteher. I eat garlic regularly but usually in lightly cooked meals. Does having garlic cooked also assist in reducing BP?
I live in Adelaide, the capital of the state of South Australia, so am thrilled this latest research has emanated from here.
I eat garlic regularly but usually in lightly cooked meals and rarely raw.
Does ingesting garlic when its been cooked also assist in reducing BP?
yeah that's right it will but if your on comidin it will mess your cowagulations all up off the chart.
It varies a little between brands how much you should take of garlic supplements. Some brands are stronger than other. Follow the directions on the package. You can also experiment a little – take two pills and measure your blood pressure to see if it goes more down than if you take one pill.
Garlic as food is most powerful when eaten raw, crushed or chopped really small. You can add it to meals after cooking to get the raw effect.
Great news for people suffering with high BP.
I find it really easy to add garlic to our winter meals – in stews and stir fries, but have found a great new solution for summer meals which I always struggled with. That is until now, you can get jars of lightly marinated garlic gloves – I have been adding these to salads at lunch and dinner and it seems to be helping keep up the dosage without any issues…hopefully this is just as affective as garlic being eaten raw or ccooked.
is it good to eat in cooked form? somebody told me it may have side effects to the stomach if eaten raw because it triggers hyperacidity.
I have had great success with beet juice. I have cut my medication in half and drink 8oz per day have a lower blood pressure than when I am on the full dose of bp medicine. The average drop is over 10 points over the top number a 5 points on the bottom number.
I put one medium size beet in my juicer with 2 celery stalks, 2 carrot stalks, an apple and a half of lemon. If the beet juice is still bitter, I add a couple of drops of stevia. I mix a fresh batch of this every other day.
I believe that cooking the garlic destroys some of its anti-oxidant benenefit. it may help a little. I like to put real razor-thin slivers of garlic in salads, and its pungent flavor is hidden by a nice balsamic vinaigrette – in which I also use raw garlic.
I just use it every day in cooking – not the supplements, the real garlic itself. If you have been diagnosed with hypertension, it will not go away by itself, so any medication or herb or spice you use to keep it down has to be taken regularly.
I've been using vinegar, garlic, a more effective 10 drops in a glass of water after every meal helps digestion and prevents bloating and reduces the pressure.
Thanks a lot. I learn a lot from your website and from your mails.
Keep it up.
I drink every day a glass of juice from one medium size Beetroot one carrot two stocks of broccoli and celery some parsley two sprouts one pepper some garlic some ginger That’s all.my blood Pressure is good and I stopped taking statins
Please give me more informtion on your recipe and method Mr Amer Ahmed.
How much garlic need everyday to reduce blood pressure.
Which process it is better cooking/raw garlic.
Is it has effect on sex.