Researchers in Italy recently found promising effects on blood sugar of an extract that is found in an unlikely place.
This study showed that the extract might make it possible to manage blood sugar without having to sacrifice carb consumption as strictly.
The obvious place to find healthful benefits is in olive oil. However, another product of the trees has recently been studied; researchers found that compounds in the LEAF of the olive tree are effective at reducing sugar levels.
In the study, type 2 diabetic men and women were divided into 2 groups. The olive leaf extract group took one 500 mg supplement tablet every day and the other group took a placebo.
In less than 4 months, the group taking the olive leaf extract had much lower Ac1 levels, which was evidence that their blood sugar was under better control than the placebo group.
They also showed better insulin sensitivity, which is a hallmark of the disease. Insulin insensitivity causes the pancreas to work harder than in people who have properly balanced sensitivity.
When the study was repeated on rats, the digestive process in the rodents was shown to be less able to absorb starches when the rats were given the olive leaf extract. If the rate at which starchy carbohydrates are absorbed is slowed, then the blood sugar spikes are minimized, researchers theorize.
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Hi, please could you provide a reference for the Italian study?