Researchers looking to see if a specific type of seed had any effect on blood pressure were surprised recently- not by the fact that it helps to lower blood pressure- but by just how much.
Scientists looked at 2 groups- those that consumed 30 grams of milled flaxseed daily with meals and those that took a placebo. The group that was consuming the placebo saw a slight increase in their systolic (top) blood pressure number, and no significant change at all in the diastolic reading in the 6-month trial.
But the group that consumed the flaxseed every day for the 6 months saw an average drop of at least 15 mm/Hg systolic, and even 8mm/Hg diastolic.
The results are believed to be due to an extremely powerful antioxidant, alpha linoleic acid, which is naturally present in flaxseeds.
For many years, the benefits of flaxseeds were disputed, largely by drug makers, that purported that the seeds were of no real benefit because as soon as the seeds are milled or ground, their nutritive benefit disappeared rapidly and that any actual health changes were due to placebo effect and not really the seeds themselves.
The recently released study debunks the ‘worthless seed’ myth, with better results than the most commonly prescribed blood pressure medications.
For even more powerful things than seeds, check out these easy exercises that drop blood pressure below 120/80 as soon as tonight…
I don’t usually take these studies serious. Last year I read an article in Prevention magazine that drinking just 1 oz of POM juice every day for 1 year would lower systolic blood pressure by 20 points. So I began drinking my POM at $10.00 for 48 oz. After 9 months my blood pressure remained the same plus a few points higher. So what gives? If these studies where true than within a very short time everybody would be off their HBP medicine and the good news would spread by word of mouth. Alos all of these remedies must have some kind of side effects but no side effect or ever listed with the natural product they are pushing? For example beet juice,enough to lower blood pressure,has a side effect of diarrhea and gas for many people. Some of these natural remedies will thin blood ,such as garlic. Vitamin C,when using the reconmended doze to lower blood pressure ,can cause kidney stones and many other problems over a period of regular consuption. every natural supplement has a side effect over the long use in dozes reconmended for HBP.
Does it have to be ground flax seed or will Flaxseed oil capsules do the same?
This information sounds interesting so I shall pass it on to as many people that I know, including my doctor
It is not strange that flaxseed has an effect on High Blood pressure–decreasing the volume. Its time scientist make up their mind to research
the NATURAL product of the earth, and allow the body to heal itself.Yes,
the body healing itself–They know that very well. Those I work with use that
term very often. There are lots of testimonies in the country where I leave,
where people will say they use certain Natural products, and doing well.
Dengue fever for example can be remeial just by using the PAPAYA LEAF JUICE;
No Water added.
So many critically ill people has died from Dengue Fever-This fever is caused by the bite of the AEDES MOSQUITO.These ill people are placed in the
Intensive Care Unit (I C U)until death comes, with endless bills later on.
In the case of a child getting very ill from Dengue Fever, you need only to
instill An Nose Gastric Tube(NG) and the papaya Juice can be consumed twice daily,2 Table spoons, No water added. The list can go on and on.
Excellent Information. I really take spoonfull of flaxseed daily in the morning. my BP 120/80 Thanks.
39 grams with each meal, or thirty grams total each day?
What about chia seeds,do they have an effect on blood pressure ?
Does it have any side effects? Like allergy or in acid reflux.
I don’t know if Chia seeds lower blood pressure, but I started taking them for IBS symptoms and am now off hbp meds. I was on the lowest dose available. And my IBS symptoms seem to be going away without using as many seeds as time passes. I also started eating yogurt for an afternoon snack so that probably helped. Plus taking in the AM and then at lunch, I had steady energy all day without an afternoon crash or sugar or cafine cravings to get me through. I often don’t want the yogurt but know I need the health benefits. Nice feeling.
Does the flax seed have to be ground or do you take it whole?
Willing to try but where can they be got.
So excited, will try the flax and order the Du, s tea. Health food stores should have them both.
We don't have here in cotabato city, phils.
I find this article seriously lacking in basic information; therefore, it lacks credibility. What does milled flaxseed mean? Is it the whole seed or is it ground up? No mention of the fact that the majority of flax seed is genetically modified. I have seen whole flax seed in many cereals and breads for example, and find them excreted still as seeds. Seems like a lost cause. Can someone enlighten me?
If somebody has a cure for something and is working? do you have to make money on it you are not better then.
You can buy flax in stores and brown are better then gold, make sure they are fresh ground, you can grind them in coffee machine, use them on anything, they test is sweat almost like almond. Use them baking , salads……
they have to be ground because body can digest them whole.
Dear Sir,
this is my first visit and highly I appreciate your efforts.
Which store sells the ground flax seeds?
Flaxseed is ground; the best way to do this is in a coffee grinder. What I keep questioning is the amount; THIRTY grams??? That’s 30,000 milligrams DAILY. A much more reasonable amount would be THREE grams a day.
I had high blood pressure and was put on medication. three years ago I read about grapeseed
in lowering blood pressure so tried it. I read also
that grapeseed oil in capsul form can be rancid, so
i bought it already grownd, I wondered if maybe it
was just the hulls after the removeable of the oil.
So i bought a coffee grinder and a bag of grapeseed
and grind it myself. I grind a bag full and keep
it in the freezer, and use a tablespoon in my
breakfast cereal or milkshake everymorning. My
blood pressure has dropped dramatically, usually
around 120’s over 50’s. I get the seed at a health
food store, also, flaxseed comes in two colors,
brown, or tan, it was reported the tan (or lighter)
seed is the best. good luck. MF
You can find the best rated milled flax seed from Amazon at this link:
Flaxseed was cultivated in Babylon as early as 3000 BC. In the 8th century, King Charlemagne believed so strongly in the health benefits of flaxseed that he passed laws requiring his subjects to consume it. Now, thirteen centuries later, some experts say we have preliminary research to back up what Charlemagne suspected.;;