One particularly popular drink has been shown to have a hand in preventing more diseases than cranberry and pomegranate juices, healthful smoothies, and even green tea.

And now it’s been proven to improve and even prevent type 2 diabetes.

A new mega-study spanning 3 decades and following more than 120,000 men and women was released out of the Harvard School of Public Health’s Nutrition Department.

What they found was that men and women both exhibited reduced risk in developing type 2 diabetes from drinking one to two cups of black coffee daily.

The study also found that the risk was more dramatic in women than in men.

Coffee has already been shown to dramatically cut the risk of many cancers, including prostate, breast, and digestive types. It also has proven to be effective against depression, back/neck/jaw pain, and premature brain aging.

Researchers and experts note, though, that adding dairy products, corn syrup-based flavorings, and other sources of sugar and fat eliminate the benefit by adding other risk factors; so plain, black coffee is the way to go to receive the maximum benefit.

Java not your thing? Here are even more powerful natural ways to completely reverse type 2 diabetes in just a month- or less..