Researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD, recently released findings that indicate that a specific vitamin can be an important factor in dropping high blood pressure.
There were some important caveats, though.
Researchers looking at almost 30 different studies done on vitamin C supplementation for thousands of study participants found that, on average, systolic blood pressure was able to come down 4 points after supplementing with vitamin C for at least 2 months.
However, researchers were quick to point out that the daily dose that was the most effective was only 500 mg, which is far less than the 1,000 or more commonly found in many supplements found on shelves today.
[adrotate group=”5″]They mentioned also that diet is the best source for additional vitamin C and that it is safer than supplementing with unreliable products or overdosing. Just because 500 mg can produce a 4-point drop does not mean 2,000 will produce a 20-point drop. This can make blood pressure problems worse, and cause kidney stones.
The best source for vitamin C is from food, where it is most easily absorbed and can be consumed throughout the day.
The foods with the highest concentrations of vitamin C are fruits like kiwi, oranges and grapefruit. Colored peppers are the best vegetable source, especially red bell peppers.
The simplest, most effective way to eliminate high blood pressure as soon as today…
I’ve really learnt alot from your research. Continue informing us. Thanks.
this is no news for me thank's any way.
Thank you.
You'd recckon researchers at Johns Hopkins would have more to do with their time than publish this stuff. 4 points in 185mmHg, big deal. Close your eyes for 10 minutes, relax, and you'll get a lot more than that. Christian, your program kills this earth shattering advice from the johns Hopkins sheltered workshop for the academically gifted.
I’ve taken Vit. C for many years for my asthma, but, didn’t know it helped my blood pressure too! No wonder my BP is normal!:) thank you for your good info and articles always.
Amounts of Vitamin C found in foods do not even come close to providing the HEALING it is capable of. Liposomal Vitamin C has absorption rate of 70-80%, look that up, people!
We are being poisoned with GM foods, Sodium Flouride in water, Mercury and other metals through amalgams, let’s not forget about RADIATION from FUKUSHIMA in Japan!
Getting Vitamin C from food is fine if on lives on a TROPICAL ISLAND in South America. For everyone else, look up MEGA DOSAGE of Vitamin C.
Stay healthy!
what about soluble vit C tablets? Each one is 1000mg. This is equivalent to 20 oranges a day I was told. Would this be better than eating 20 oranges a day ? Thank you for all the advice you give us Christian.
I'm taking medication to control my blood pressure. I started taking vitamin C for a cronic cough about 3 months ago and I didn't why my pressure was going down until I read this article. My last reading was 84/58, I plan to get off the pressure pills!
If you still have your cough, please make sure to have your eyes checked. Some blood pressure meds have a side effect of coughing. My husband ended up with a detached retina because he thought he just had a cold. Talk to your doctor.
Compare with Linus Pauling's research.
Thats great What kind of Vitamin C do you take.
thanks for your info….i will try taking vita c supplement from now on…
Not sure if the name is Aelx or Alex but I agree with your response. You’re not going to get the amount of vitamins/minerals that you need from the food sources that we have today. The earth has been severaly depleted of it’s minerals and an orange today has less mineral/vitamin content than t did say…80 years ago. It’s best to supplement in addition to eating well.
I'm taking 500mg vitamin C
If in doubt, talk to your doctor – the same person who thought that your high blood pressure was due to a lack of Avapro! You’re just asking for more junk medicine. Christian’s your man.
John Miller
Hi there! I read your comment about vitamin C that help you fighting blood pressure. Is it still working? Do you still take vitamins? What readings do you have now? I am on pills and I want to get rid of them.
Last reading was 106/68 and I'm still taking the pills. You need to talk to your Doctor before u stop BP meds.
Thats cool best recommeded is ester-c for chelated effect.
I had a stroke on Christmas day this year.Was already taking some BP med for elevated BP attributed to chronic back pain from a massive back injury in 1984.After the stroke,even with 4 doses of meds to help BP,mine was still in the 168/96 range.I ordered your Blood Pressure Program out of shear desparation.After doing the stress exercises just one time,I checked my BP about 20 minutes later.I was shocked that it was 120/80.It had not been that low in over ten years.Thank you for this.The $50.00 was a little steep for someone on SS Disability and getting only $900 a month,but my life was well worth it.Again,thank you very much. Johnnie
In times such as these when many researches are sponsored by pharma companies it it is difficult to say why a particular research was conducted. Contradictory claims emerge as soon as a result is announced, sometimes by another group of researchers sponsored by another pharma company. Pharma companies have to design new products every day to beat competition. Medicine today is already a complex an esoteric science left best in the hands of a privileged group of specialists which include the doctors, the pharma companies(and their band of researchers) and the insurance companies.There is hardly any space for common sense approach to etiology. The specialist has already appropriated it from you. The tragedy of this approach has been the genesis of the "one size fits everyone" theory. Many of us in China, India and the Arab world are revisiting the problems of etiology again and trying to understand why our ancestors insisted on the harmonious coexistence between body, mind and the natural world. And we also understand why western science now describes our approaches to disease and therapy as "alternative systems".
I think it is worthwhile trying to lower blood pressure with vitamin C. What can you lose as per recommnded dose.
Avoiding coffee, doing relaxation exercises, vitamin C. The drops obtained all pale into insignificance compared to isometric handgrip exercises. I had had occasional 185/105, and got it down with regular walking and then cycling, plus 5mg. of an Ace Inhibitor.
Then I abandoned all exercsie for 3 months, except isometric hand grips and latterly 3 minutes of arm exercises with weights. Systolic dropped from around 130 (all that walking and cycling) to 119 and occasionally 107. Now I can drink too much coffee, and BP rises only 3 or 4. If I do relaxation exercises I can get 112/75 quite regularly. Now I take 2.5gm. Ace Inhibiter.
As a one-time Control Engineer, the effect is like putting a great big damping coefficient into an unstable control system. It is just like pulling a switch. You have to KEEP the handgrips closed for 2 minutes, and repeat 4 times a day. The papers say to choose a handgrip exercises which is just sufficiently strong that you can keep it squeezed for 2 minutes. Expect encouraging results after 1 month, and a big drop at 3 months.
Thank you for this article. Vit C seems to be good advice to me. Thanks again.
well done John …….good result x
In over 40 years as a practitioner I have never found the repeated claim that Vit C gives kidney stones to be factual. I recall it was a flawed french report decades ago that pharma keeps wheeling out. go read up on Linus Pauling and Richard Passwater. viral pneumonia in both lungs second time i was only one came off chest ward alive. third time with gp acceptance( he had nothing to offer) 30 gms of vit C a day no diarhoea ( bowel tolerance the optimum guide not a dangerous indication!) just got better in 4 days, “I see it but dont pretend to understand it” said family doc. taken ever since. 4-8 gm a day plus other stuff. wife on 8 gms nurse on A&E 50yrs old nursed 30+ very few ailments looks a lot younger, me 65 do full body massages heavy 5-6 aday. wise up peeps food is now so dentatured you can hardly get adequate never mind optimum. up to 60% reduction in micronutrients since ’39 because of soil exhaustion and modern farming. Sorry but oranges over in uk often measured at nothing. dieticians all numbers and received wisdom. Why do you think zoo animals get supplements?
Be care folks with taking to much vitamin C in supplement form. From the health newsletter i receive the long term results are not good for many people. To much and your body takes what it needs and the rest goes into stool causing loose stools and even diarehea. To much vitamin C over a long period of time can damage kidneys and cause kidney stones in some people. You have to be careful because it doesn’t work well with other medication and can cause thin blood and digestive problems. There is no magic pill but a good healthy diet ,exercise,lite weight lifting and the hand grips worked well for me,plus deep breathing.
it’s my understanding that Vit C W/O rosehips doesn’t get assimilated by the body.
Thks for your info, i ll start taking Vitamine C now.
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