How The Rich Avoid Diabetes (and how to do the same cheaply)A new study published in the Journal PLOS ONE revealed that poorer Canadians were more likely to develop diabetes than their wealthier counterparts were.

This leads to the question of what does wealth has to do with type 2 diabetes, and how can you avoid or reverse your diabetes even if you’re not swimming in cash?

They examined the responses of 4,739 Ontarians given to the Canadian Community Health Survey that was administered in 2004.

Among the questions in the survey, participants were asked whether they felt uneasy about buying food, whether they had to miss meals sometimes due to their inability to afford food, and whether they struggled to buy nutritious food, like fruits and vegetables.

From this information, the scientists divided them into those who were food secure and those who were food insecure.

It was found that those who were food insecure were more than twice as likely as their food secure peers to develop diabetes, and the subsequent 12-year follow-up period.

Even if you do not suffer from food insecurity, you can learn how to tackle type 2 diabetes by using the results from this study.

This was because food insecure families tend to buy cheap, high-calorie foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates rather than proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Carbohydrates may temporarily fill you up, but they also spike your blood sugar and leave you hungry an hour or two later.

However, it is not simply food insecure people who eat like that. We’re all guilty of this from time to time and this is exactly why type 2 diabetes is on the rise.

And this study proves beyond a doubt that type 2 diabetes is caused by lifestyle choices and can therefore be reversed through the use of the right lifestyle choices.

Here are the 3 exact steps that thousands of readers have used to reverse their type 2 diabetes in 28 days or less…