These Wives Cause High Blood Pressure in Husbands (really weird)Are you a man with high blood pressure? Then chances are you could blame it on your wife.

If you’re a woman with high blood pressure, however, you can’t blame it on the husband for the same reason.

Unfair? I’m not a fan of throwing blame, but this is what the study says.

According to a study from the University of Michigan and published in the Oxford Journal, men who have stressed out wives are more likely to have high blood pressure.

On the flip side, the effects of a stressed out husband had no effects on his wife’s blood pressure level.

Now, before throwing stones at me as a male writer, I must tell you the head researcher was a woman: Kira S. Birditt, Ph.D.

So now that’s out, let’s speculate. Why this particular difference?

I think the answer lies in a fundamental difference between male and female behavior. Women tend to be much more open to talking about problems than men, especially emotional problems. Men are more likely just to withdraw and be silent when something is bothering them.

Men have the tendency to want to fix problems. If the wife says something is wrong, most men immediately begin looking for a solution. This causes stress; in the man, this can lead to high blood pressure.

Women have this wonderful thing of being able just to listen without feeling obligated to do anything. Therefore, even if the husband shares problems, it will not automatically lead to stress or high blood pressure in the wife.

Women also often have a much bigger circle of friends with whom they can share things. So if the husband is not available (due to stress), they can always talk to friends. Men rely much more on their wives alone for emotional support.

But the real finding of this study is the fact that stress causes high blood pressure. And to lower blood pressure, you must lower your stress hormone level.

The good news is this is easy to do. All you need is a few minutes per day of easy blood pressure exercises. They take no physical effort and thousands of readers have used them successfully to bring blood pressure below 120/80 – often on the very first day itself.

Learn more and try the blood pressure exercises out for yourself here…