7 Things That Surprisingly Cause High Blood PressureIf you are suffering from high blood pressure, chances are your doctor has told you to stay away from the normal “causes” – salt, stress, and obesity.

But there are some other causes that might be more to blame than simply being overweight or eating too much salt.

That’s why today we’re listing 7 little known causes of high blood pressure that are often very easy to tackle naturally.

So let’s dive right into these 7 causes of high blood pressure:

1. Disease: This is a stressor that is considered biological. You may not have started with high blood pressure, but due to thyroid disease, diabetes, COPD, or other chronic conditions, the body reacts to the stress by increasing blood pressure. Getting other biological processes under control can go a long way to eliminating hypertension.

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Sleep apnea/insomnia is another biological stressor, but not necessarily due to disease. Muscles weaken as we age and weakening of those in the head, neck, and throat area can cause snoring and sleep apnea. Difficulties falling asleep and staying asleep also spike blood pressure over time, so it’s critical to get these disturbances under control.

Easy, 3-minute exercise, completely cure snoring and sleep apnea…

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2. Medication: This is prescribed to “cure” problems, not to cause them. But there are a vast number of medications that can seriously impact your blood pressure. Cold medications, for instance, are notorious for doing this. When you can, opt for natural solutions to what ails you and put down the pill bottles.

3. Sugar: It is quickly becoming apparent through various research studies that salt may not be the bad guy it’s been made out to be. As it turns out, eliminating excess sugar, especially in sweets, sodas, and processed foods, has a much higher likelihood of dropping blood pressure than eliminating salt, which is actually a needed nutrient. Too much sugar is also considered a biological stressor.

4. Processed food/packaging: Everyone needs water to survive, and filtered, clean water is best. However, water that is bottled in products that use BPA, or Bisphenol A, may not be the best way to go. Countless studies published in medical journals by dozens of medical institutions have exposed the clear link between BPA and hypertension. Packaged food can also be exposed to BPA, not to mention the chemicals that give it a “shelf life.” Eliminate the packaging and go fresh.

5. Environment: This type of stress can include anything from too much noise near your home or office, to the hot tub you dip into in order to relax. The irony with hot tubs and saunas is that they are used to eliminate stress, not increase it. The body likes homeostasis, a temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, peace and quiet, and no pollutants. Use caution when spending time in hot tubs, near tobacco smokers, or anywhere where you need earplugs.

6. Solitude: While everyone needs time away from the world and emotional stress from time to time, studies have shown that people who are always alone and those who would consider themselves as “lonely” share a common problem, namely higher blood pressure. Humans are social animals, and tend to survive better and have healthier lives when they involve other people. Not all people are good for you though, so limit your dealings with emotional stress-causers to as few interactions as possible.

What’s the one thing the items in this unlikely list have in common? Stress!

Whether it is sensory, environmental, biological, emotional, or psychological, stress is the key source and cause of all high blood pressure problems.

The good news is that you can eliminate it completely and get healthy in just minutes a day using nothing but these 3 easy exercises that anyone can do…