Most Surprising Cause of High CholesterolHigh cholesterol, is it caused by diet, lack of exercise, your genetics or what?

New research, just published in Science Magazine, reveals at least one major reason some people have high cholesterol and other don’t – even if they share the same lifestyle.

What’s more, it’s the same angle as causes arthritis, schizophrenia, eating disorders and visceral fat accumulation.

And it’s all somebody else’s fault!

A few years ago, scientists started to construct a complete genetic profile of a female Neanderthal from her bones found in the Vindija Cave in Croatia.

Since Neanderthals and homo sapiens mated and had children, they wanted to understand which genetic factors came from the Neanderthals.

After all, almost all of us probably have some traces of their genes in our blood.

We probably inherited our genes for rheumatoid arthritis, schizophrenia, eating disorders, visceral fat accumulation, and cholesterol from our distant ancestors.

Sounds bad, right?

But one of the genetic variants for cholesterol we inherited from them is actually positive. It’s called rs10490626 and is associated with LDL (or bad) cholesterol, and most of the people who carry it have relatively low levels of this type of cholesterol.

Does this really mean you should sit down helplessly and blame your cholesterol on your ancestors?

It certainly does not.

Whereas genes play some role in the game, the main reason for high cholesterol and most other health issues is caused by our lifestyle.

And most amazingly, the main reason for all plaque buildup in our arteries is caused by one ingredient, you didn’t even know you were consuming. I explain this #1 cause of stroke and heart attack here and how to tackle this one ingredient…