This Food Color Prevents Heart AttackWe would usually consider food coloring as something not so natural, and pretty unhealthy if anything.

Researchers from Sweden’s Linköping University, however, decided to investigate a specific type of food color. One that could possibly prevent cholesterol buildup in the heart arteries.

And the results were astonishing.

Lutein is a yellow pigment that makes many vegetables and fruits colorful.

The most common sources are spinach, kale, broccoli, carrots, yellow peppers, oranges, avocado, squash, sweet corn, egg yolk, tomatoes, paprika, parsley, and cayenne pepper.

It’s long been claimed to be a powerful weapon against inflammation.

To put this to a test, researchers identified 134 people with stable angina and 59 with acute coronary syndrome and measured the amount of several carotenoids and inflammation in their blood.

For inflammation, they used a compound called Interleukin 6 (IL-6), which is one of the best indicators of inflammation.

Unsurprisingly, they found those with the highest lutein levels had substantially lower inflammation in their bodies than those with low lutein.

And what does this have to do with cardiovascular health? EVERYTHING!

Because it doesn’t matter how much cholesterol you actually have in the blood stream. What matters is how much gets stuck in the heart arteries.

And the reason cholesterol gets stuck in the heart is oxidation and inflammation. Those with less inflammation are less likely to have cholesterol plaque buildup than those with high inflammation.

Here is even better news: There is one single ingredient that’s responsible for ALL cholesterol plaque buildup in your heart. Cut out this one ingredient and be heart healthy forever…