This Common Mineral Causes a Heart Attack if Consumed from the Wrong Source (be warned)
Fact: you need minerals to stay alive. No minerals in the body, no more you.

But wait just a second, because here’s another fact for you to bite into: too much of one particular mineral from the wrong source can result in a heart attack.

A little scary.

But here is the good news: if you get the mineral from the right source, you can overdose on it without a problem.

Meat, beef and animal-based food are rich in heme iron, which is absorbed better in the system compared with the non-heme iron from vegetables and vegetarian foods. In fact, heme iron is absorbed at a rate of 35 percent compared with 5 percent for non-heme iron.

Because heme iron is absorbed so well in the body, it can even bypass the finely tuned iron regulation system causing inflammation and damage to arteries. This, in turn, can lead to cardiovascular problems and cancer.

The researchers analyzed 21 previous studies involving 300,000 participants over a 10-year period. They concluded that those participants who consumed the highest amount of heme iron through a diet rich in meat showed a 57 percent increase in the risk of developing heart disease compared with those who consumed the least amount of heme iron.

Interestingly, the iron from vegetable sources did not pose any health risks even when consumed in excess.

It is believed that heme iron causes inflammation and subsequently artery damage by speeding up the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

However, the solution is not to shun iron-rich food completely. Consume red meat, fish and beef in moderation and include more iron from leafy vegetables and legumes. Iron deficiency can be extremely harmful as it can cause anemia, fatigue and many other health issues.

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