This Popular “Bad-Press” Food Prevents Heart AttackThis food has gotten quite a bad press lately.

It’s blamed for cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol and many other causes of death.

But it’s also one of the most loved foods. So, cutting it out completely is pretty painful for most people.

So, scientists from Reading University, the University of Copenhagen and Wageningen University decided to look at the hard facts in a study published in the European Journal of Epidemiology.

And the results will delight you!

They analyzed 29 long-lasting studies, including 938,465 participants.

They found that milk did not raise the participant’s risk of cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, or any other-cause mortality.

That included full cream milk, which often gets a bad press.

Interestingly, they also found that fermented milk products, like cheese and yoghurt, lowered the participant’s risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause death by two percent.

Two percent is not enough to start using cheese as a cure for heart disease, but it at least means that, notwithstanding current medical wisdom regarding saturated fats and cholesterol, it doesn’t put you at risk of developing heart disease.

Now that’s settled, what can you do to get your cholesterol normalized in 30 days? Plus, completely shine your heart clean? Click here to learn the answer…