Deadly Blood Pressure Caused By This “Healthy” DrinkEveryone is drinking these.

Everyone is loving them.

And if we continue to do this, everyone is going to suffer high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack as a direct cause of this “health” drink.

So be like nobody else and stop consuming this poison!

A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association reveals just how deadly energy drinks are.

Researchers divided 18 participants into two groups.

One group was given an energy drink with 320 mg of caffeine and the other a carbonated water-based control drink with 320 mg of caffeine.

Then, after six days of drinking neither of the drinks, they swapped the two groups, with the latter drinking the energy drink and the former drinking the water-based drink.

After consuming the drinks, the scientists used an electrocardiogram to measure their subject’s electrical heart activity. They also repeatedly measured blood pressure from their arms and aortas.

A whole six hours after consuming the drinks, the energy drink group had much higher diastolic and systolic blood pressure than the control drink group.

But the real problem was with the electrical activity in their hearts.

The energy drink consumers had a corrected QT interval that was 10 milliseconds higher than that of the caffeinated water drinkers.

Your QT interval is the amount of time it takes for your heart’s lower chambers to generate the next heart beat; in other words, the gap between the electrical impulse that caused the previous beat and the new electrical impulse that causes the next beat.

Since medication that modifies the corrected QT interval by six milliseconds must carry a warning on the label, having energy drinks freely available that alter it by 10 milliseconds is quite alarming.

Increasing or decreasing the intervals between these electrical impulses can cause potentially deadly heart arrhythmias, or irregular heartbeats.

Since the researchers made sure the caffeine levels of the two drinks were identical, the problem is clearly with other ingredients in the energy drinks, some of them very difficult to pinpoint.

Bottom line is, you should absolutely never, ever drink those poisoned energy drinks. Especially if you have high blood pressure or any other heart-related health issues.

And then, you should start using these 3 easy exercises that bring your blood pressure below 120/80 – starting today…

And if your cholesterol is too high, cut out this ONE single ingredient to bring your blood pressure down within a month…