7 Delicious Foods That Lower Blood PressureLet’s face it – it’s all in the diet.

If you want to bring down your blood pressure or keep it under control, you should make healthy food choices.

But what food exactly lowers blood pressure seems to be changing from year to year. Today something is in and tomorrow the same thing is out… enough to drive a person CRAZY!

That’s why in today’s article I’m including a list of 7 foods I absolutely 100% guarantee will help keep your blood pressure at bay (today, tomorrow and ten years from now).

And the best part is; they’re all delicious!

Here are some of the best foods that can bring down your blood pressure. The best part is that they’re all nutritious as well as delicious!

1. Banana – Whenever you crave for a snack, banana might be a good choice. This filling fruit is loaded with the mineral potassium that lowers blood pressure. In fact a research has shown that eating 2 bananas a day regularly can bring down blood pressure by nearly 10 percent!

2. Eggs – Do you like scrambled eggs or omelet for breakfast? Eggs are known to contain a peptide compound that lowers blood pressure. It is supposed to be about as effective as a low dose of a prescription drug. And just to be clear; the cholesterol danger of eggs is nothing but a myth.

3. Tomato – Try swapping your beverage for tomato juice if high blood pressure is your ailment (no I did not say Bloody Mary). The chemical compound in tomatoes called ‘lycopene’ is known to lower blood pressure. 25 milligrams of lycopene (the amount found in a cup of tomato juice) is perfect for lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol by up to 10 percent.

4. Dark chocolate – Eat dark chocolate to your heart’s content – it has been shown to have a good effect at controlling blood pressure. Patients with hypertension and pre-hypertension who ate small quantities of dark chocolate for 18 weeks showed about 20 percent decrease in blood pressure.

5. Watermelon – With the summer round the corner, watermelon is a good choice of fruit to consume regularly. It is a rich source of the amino acid L-citrulline that regulates blood pressure.

6. Raisins – These sweet little treats are perfect for cutting down blood pressure. A research study has shown that patients who snacked on raisins 3 times a day for 12 weeks showed a considerable decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

7. Hibiscus – Do you care to try a cup of hibiscus tea? Research shows that sipping this tea for 6 weeks reduced the blood pressure by up to 7 points in slightly hypertensive patients.

Even more powerful than these 7 foods are our 3 easy exercises. Guaranteed to bring your blood pressure below 120/80 – starting today…