What Condition is Heart Unhealthier than Cholesterol and Obesity?A new study that appears in the journal Atherosclerosis, a team of German researchers made some terrifying discoveries regarding cardiovascular disease.

One common condition – usually not associated with heart health – stands above even high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and obesity as causing cardiovascular disease that can lead to heart attack and stroke.

In fact, it’s almost as dangerous as high blood pressure or smoking.

Depression includes near daily occurrence of any seven of these symptoms:

– depressed mood
– diminished interest or pleasure
– significant weight loss or weight gain
– insomnia or hypersomnia
– physical restlessness or incapacity
– fatigue, feelings of worthlessness
– or inappropriate guilt, difficulty concentrating, and suicidal thoughts.

This is according to the experts, the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

The German study ranked depression together with some common risk factors for cardiovascular death and found that smoking and high blood pressure led to the most cardiovascular deaths. Not surprising.

But the other findings were more remarkable.

Depression was responsible for 15% of such deaths, followed by cholesterol and obesity for 8-21%, and diabetes for 5-8%.

In other words, cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity do less damage to your heart than depression does!

This is not simply because depressed people tend to engage in unhealthy behaviors like smoking and drinking, as the scientists separated these from depression as influencing factors.

What they couldn’t account for was the impact of stress from feeling low on the cardiovascular system.

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As you see, in the report, high cholesterol level is indeed one of the major cause of heart attack and stroke. But you can drop yours by just cutting out ONE single ingredient. Learn how here…