Easiest Method to Lower Blood Pressure Scientifically ProvenResearchers are continually on the hunt for the best and newest thing to solve health problems, but what they usually end up finding is that the drug-free, natural methods win every time.

And so it is with new research on high blood pressure, about an old technique…but with a new name.

In the research, recently published in Psychosomatic Medicine, scientists studied a group of people, average age of 50, who were pre-hypertensive.

Prehypertension is the phase of health where blood pressure numbers are higher than should be (between 130 and 135 systolic) but not yet diagnosable as hypertension.

Left untreated, and exposed to the same stressors that are causing the elevation in the first place, prehypertension almost always will lead to full blown high blood pressure.

In the study group, however, the participants were taught a technique called “mindfulness,” in which a person focuses intently on the present moment, pushing away all other thoughts.

Traditionally, this method has been referred to as meditation; but in mindfulness, there is no connection necessarily to any religion or cultural rules.

It is merely the practice of giving the mind a focused break from the stress and anxiety that is a constant onslaught in one form or another.

The study not only showed that blood pressure came down for the participants on average 5 full points, knocking many of them out of the danger zone, but had other health benefits as well.

Other health benefits included a reduced sensitivity to pain, better sleeping patterns, and diminished impact of depression.

This is of course no news to me. For years now I’ve been teaching specific type of mindfulness exercises specifically focused on lowering blood pressure. And the results are way more impressive than the mere 5 points from the study.

In fact, most people using my simple exercises get their blood pressure under 120/80 within a week. Very often the very first time they do the exercises.

Learn these powerful blood pressure exercises that have helped thousands of readers to lower their blood pressure here…