This Sound Lowers High Blood Pressure in 20 MinutesA research team at Japan’s Tohoku University published an article in a 2016 edition of the International Journal of Cardiology, illustrating that a drug-free treatment for high blood pressure was available and effective.

It’s cheap and safe, since all it requires is a specific sound.

What’s more, it works even for people whose blood pressure medications haven’t helped – and for those who didn’t improve their diet or lifestyle at all.

The researchers recruited 212 participants suffering from type 2 diabetes and treatment-resistant hypertension. They were all already receiving hypertension drugs and, as is often the case for people on drugs, they implemented no special lifestyle modifications like dieting and exercise.

The team divided their subjects into four groups: one that received 20 minutes of 800 kHz (low frequency) ultrasound to the forearm, one that received 20 minutes of 500 kHz (very low frequency) ultrasound to the forearm, and two that received mock treatments.

Ultrasound is a safe technology normally used to take pictures of the inside of your body, such as of your organs or an unborn fetus. A device sends out sound waves that bounce back from the tissue inside your body, which it then converts to images.

Unlike x-rays, it does not use electromagnetic radiation. It is just sound and, as such, is relatively natural and harmless.

It is the same “technology” bats and dolphins use to locate obstacles but can’t be heard by the human ears.


Both the 500 and the 800 khz groups lowered their blood pressure and their pulse rate. But not those who received placebo treatments. Interestingly, the 500 khz ultrasound was even more effective than the 800 khz treatment.

The scientists speculated that the sound suppressed the sympathetic nerve activity that gives rise to the fight or flight response, via the nerve pathways from the forearm to the spinal cord, where the sympathetic nervous system originates.

The fight or flight response is your body’s response to stress.

It literally facilitates physical fight or flight from danger by increasing blood pressure to maximize activity, increasing blood sugar for an energy boost, dilating your lungs to supply enough oxygen, and so forth.

This proves yet again that stress is the number one cause of high blood pressure. But in the modern world, stress is usually not caused by running away from a predator.

It’s caused by things like sitting too much (physical stress), tension in a work place or home (emotional stress), overload of information via news (mental stress) and driving through city traffic (sensory stress).

The good news is that our blood pressure exercises tackle this exact issue in an even safer, cheaper, and more effective way. So this is just further proof that this method is the most effective way to lower blood pressure.

Learn more about the three amazing blood pressure exercises and try them out for yourself here…